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I think a very simple yet very helpful improvement to mIRC would be the ability to change the < & > dividers around nicks

For instance, the current look on mIRC is

<Joe> Hi
<Mary> Sup

I would really like to be able to change this to
[Joe] Hi
[Mary] Sup

or any other symbols. The main reason is sometimes I want to copy and paste an amusing quote from IRC into instant messenger, but anything between < and > does not paste. Thanks in advance if you implement this feature.

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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This can be easily scripted, most likely the reason why it's left out of the options.

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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One good reason for the option to be built-in is the consecutive-space-losingness of script.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Thats easy to fix


And since sent text isnt ever that long, the string length limit isnt reached.

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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That's interesting, but what is %text? I thought we were talking changing the <> around nicks in messages. I suppose it could be done while still preserving spaces for on text events with $rawmsg, but not on input as far as I can tell.

Last edited by Hrung; 11/05/05 04:27 AM.

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I like this idea because yes it can be done with scripts but changing the timestamp can be done with scripts to but thats a option, I like it because its just a nice feature I want to change mine to (Nick) but dont want to script it b/c itll interfear with other on texts I have that halt.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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That's interesting, but what is %text? I thought we were talking changing the <> around nicks in messages. I suppose it could be done while still preserving spaces for on text events with $rawmsg, but not on input as far as I can tell.

Ahhh I see where your comming from now, yes it is a bit of a hassel, if its just channel text wi9th spaces in your trying to capture there are work arounds to get it.
I use /debug and pull the string in there, but I believe there is another way, although i havent seen it. It apears alot more difficult if its custom windows, some highspeed timer and using $editbox() (lordy but what a system hog that must be)

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I thought there was a $rawmsg for those who wanted access to the space-preserved data

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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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I think mIRC should go one better and have an in-built theme engine.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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$rawmsg is inbound text, doesnt exists unfortunitly on outbound text.

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Babel fish
Babel fish
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You may like to use my Addon Message Extensions as it is done for things like this and it will not loose spaces afaik smile

Last edited by Ecronika; 15/05/05 07:22 AM.

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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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It would be interesting to see your definition of easy. Scripting it is anything but easy, just look at the script Ecronica made. Sure just making it [] instead of <> may be easy but then there's checking if show mode is enabled and what color to use if any. I would love to see any beginner at scripting accomplish this on their own.

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Relatively speaking, it is easy. That isn't to say that a complete beginner could do it in 2 mins. But an experienced scripter could probably do it in less. Depending on how flexible you would want it to be, it could be done with as few as 2 /commands. Compare that to, say, socket scripting, which can take over a dozen lines just to download a page from a website, and that's without actually doing anything with the page you retrieved. When it comes to writing full-featured addons, it is not uncommon to run into the hundreds of lines. No, changing the dividers around nicks is relatively easy.

My argument in favor of this feature is that it is difficult to preserve spaces within incoming text, and, to my knowlege, impossible where outgoing text is concerned. Normally, extra spaces are not important, but it would be nice to be able to put the usual two spaces after the . at the end of a sentence, among other things.

Personally, I would prefer to see some special &binvars for raw text be introduced, and switches to /msg, /notice, /echo, perhaps /raw, to allow direct output of &binvars without losing spaces, as I'm sure I could come up with a use for that in other things. But if it comes down to that, or an option for changing <nick> to something else, I would bet that the general opinion (outside of these forums) is in favor of the latter.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well, you can use a non-breaking space... but only some fonts will display it as such.

Also, if I remember correctly, you can also use Ctrl-Enter at the end of the line to send the full spacing. I could be wrong... I can't test this right now because my work doesn't let me connect to any IRC channels... I wish I could bypass that port block... heh.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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replied to last posting

personally Ive wanted to see this since we could do it with timestamp and think it should be implemented in mirc itself for the reason of natural progression. now I DONT know how hard it was for K to do it for timestamps, but it shouldnt be hard to do it for nicknames. And yes, I agree that this script IS relatively easy to do, but is also easy to muck up and really fudge things up DISPLAY-WISE

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Babel fish
Babel fish
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My argument in favor of this feature is that it is difficult to preserve spaces within incoming text, and, to my knowlege, impossible where outgoing text is concerned.

Well i did the same things as with the incoming text and it works in most cases. Not the clean "perfect world" way but i think it is good enough for now.

Personally, I would prefer to see some special &binvars for raw text be introduced, and switches to /msg, /notice, /echo, perhaps /raw, to allow direct output of &binvars without losing spaces

Me too ... me too ... or any other kind to send such strings to the server smile

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