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#119276 03/05/05 06:52 AM
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Jhazon Offline OP
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I once had a script for time...


..it would bring up current time for several regions around the world. Can anyone help out?

#119277 03/05/05 07:14 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Look at this website, in the addons section do a search using the keyword World Time Hope this helps!

#119278 04/05/05 05:55 AM
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Jhazon Offline OP
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Thanks. Downloaded it.... but it's a slow as an oldman on a Sunday drive!

Looking for more of a !time command script.... something that would display time in the channel vs. my own use.

#119279 04/05/05 10:29 AM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Replacing Skoen's eh? lol Well I wrote his but cant seem to find it lieing around. The easiest way is to calculate the timzone differences and minus or + with $gmt
Now Im CDT so im -21600
//echo -a $asctime($calc($gmt - 21600))
on *:text:!time:#RadioFusion.Org: { msg $chan Timezone: CDT City: Chicago: $asctime($calc($gmt - 21600)) }
Just do the math for which ever TimeZone you want smile

#119280 04/05/05 04:34 PM
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Replacing Skoen's script.... hehe! Guess so. If you find it lying around, please share as it was good.

#119281 05/05/05 05:20 AM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Skoens was the above I figured out the timezone differences from $gmt and it was just a huge on text

#119282 06/05/05 05:49 PM
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Jhazon Offline OP
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Huge text? Any way it can be emailed vs. posted? If so, jhazon@gmail.com

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