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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
Joined: Apr 2005
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Before you complain, jsut remember, you were a noob once. So don't get all pissy
Please tell me how to make one? explain it, dont post a source or a link.
Last edited by Forgotten00; 23/04/05 06:44 PM.
mIRC Newb.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
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How can I say this so I don't come across pissy, you say your a newbie so why not try coding something not so hard to do? There's loads of ways to write a trivia script, can't you just download one?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Nov 2003
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It's not exactly the simplest thing to explain, but i'll tell you how I would do it... - Save questions and answers in files formatted like: question<tab>answer
- Load the file to a hashtable for quick access.
- Ask a question in the channel, wait for about a minute and then end the question and ask a new question.
If the question is answered within the time limit then turn the timer off and ask the next question.
New username: hixxy
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Trust me... download one and edit it however you want it. It'll save you a LOT of time ... especially if you're new to scripting. A full trivia script isn't a simple task if you don't know what you are doing.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
Joined: Feb 2005
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Yeah, it really isn't....
Check out http://kalsiddon.com for games, videos & more! Good for when your bored in work or school!
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
Joined: May 2005
Posts: 106 |
the very easy way of making a trivia script is like this on *:TEXT:!trivia*:#:{ /msg $chan Question 1 what is homer simpsons job /msg $chan A)Nulear Power B)Ice-cream worker C)TV Host } on *:TEXT:TV Host:#:{ /msg $chan Correct well done $nick /msg $chan Question 2 just keep going on like this /msg $chan A) if you need more help private messege me }
and thats the way the scout leader burns
Joined: Oct 2004
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Oct 2004
Posts: 8,330 |
LOL! Yeah, that's easy.... but very bloated. No offense.  Think of how many lines you're looking at for a 10,000 question database!!! Your script would go into the MB's very quickly. 
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
Joined: May 2005
Posts: 106 |
yeah but thats very easy if u want i can get an easier one here it is but tell me if it ain't working it should on *:text:!trivia:#: {
if (%trivia == $null) {
msg $chan 4Trivia12 Has Started. You Have4 30 12seconds to Answer
set %thing $read(trivia.txt)
set %question $gettok(%thing,1,124)
set %trivia on
set %answer $gettok(%thing,4,124)
msg $chan 4Question:12 %question
notice $me set %answer
set %chan #
.timer1 1 15 msg $chan 12HINT:4 $gettok(%thing,2,124)
.timer2 1 25 msg $chan 12HINT:4 $gettok(%thing,3,124)
.timer3 1 35 wrong
else { msg $nick 4Trivia12 is Already On }
alias wrong {
if (%trivia == on) {
msg %chan 12You Failed To Answer The Question! next Question in4 5 12seconds!
unset %answer
unset %question
unset %thing
.timer 1 5 new
alias new {
if (%trivia == on) {
set %thing $read(trivia.txt)
set %question $gettok(%thing,1,124)
set %trivia on
set %answer $gettok(%thing,4,124)
msg %chan 12New Question:4 %question
.timer1 1 15 msg %chan 12HINT:4 $gettok(%thing,2,124)
.timer2 1 25 msg %chan 12HINT:4 $gettok(%thing,3,124)
.timer3 1 35 wrong
on *:text:*:#: {
if ($1 == %answer) {
.timer3 off
.timer1 off
.timer2 off
msg %chan 12You Got It Right The Answer Was:4 $+(%answer,!)$+ $+(12,$nick)$+ Has %score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Point(s)!
inc %score [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
unset %answer
unset %question
unset %thing
.timer 1 5 new
if ($1 == !strivia) {
msg %chan 4Trivia12 Has Been Halted!
.timer1 off
.timer2 off
.timer3 off
.timer4 off
unset %trivia
unset %answer
unset %question
unset %thing
if ($1 == !won) {
if (%score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) {
notice $nick You Have 0 Points
elseif (%score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) {
notice $nick You Have %score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Points!
off *:join:#: {
if ($me isop #) {
if (%score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 49) && (%score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] < 99) {
mode # +h $nick
elseif (%score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 99) {
mode # +o $nick
elseif (%score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) {
msg $chan 4Welcome12 to4 $chan 12Type4 !trivia12 to play the Trivia Game, Type 4!strivia12 to stop
alias chans {
if (!$1) {
set %chans $$?="#Test"
else {
set %chans $1
on *:input:#: {
if ($1 == !trivia) {
if (%trivia == $null) {
msg $active $1-
msg $active 4Trivia12 Has Started. You Have4 30 12seconds to Answer
set %thing $read(trivia.txt)
set %question $gettok(%thing,1,124)
set %trivia on
set %answer $gettok(%thing,4,124)
msg $chan 4Question:12 %question
set %chan #
.timer1 1 15 msg $chan 12HINT:4 $gettok(%thing,2,124)
.timer2 1 25 msg $chan 12HINT:4 $gettok(%thing,3,124)
.timer3 1 35 wrong
if ($1 == !strivia) {
msg $active $1-
msg $active 4Trivia12 Has Been Halted!
.timer1 off
.timer2 off
.timer3 off
.timer4 off
unset %trivia
unset %answer
unset %question
unset %thing
if ($1 == !won) {
if (%score [ $+ [ $me ] ] == $null) {
echo -a 12You Have4 0 12Points
elseif (%score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) {
echo -a 12You Have4 %score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 12Points!
if ($1 == %answer) {
msg $active $1-
.timer3 off
.timer1 off
.timer2 off
inc %score [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
msg %chan 12You Got It Right The Answer Was:4 $+(%answer,!)$+ $+(12,$nick)$+ Has %score [ $+ [ $nick ] ] point(s)!
unset %answer
unset %question
unset %thing
.timer 1 5 new
thats the code but you need a file in your mirc folder called trivia.txt and add the questions like this here are the questions i have
what is The Scientific name for a Spider?|A-------|Ar-----d|Arachnid
What nation has had a monarchy the longest?|J----|J---n|Japan
What childhood disease did 312 Americans have in 11993, a record low?|m------|me----s|measles
What Italian city had the Roman name Mediolanum?|M----|Mi--n|milan
What distant planet circles the sun every 84 years?|U-----|Ur---s|Uranus
What European country is threatened by over 100 active volcanoes?|I------|Ic----d|Iceland
Who is the helmsman of the boat when you are sailing into Hades?|C-----|C---on|Charon
What dog shares his owner with Garfield the Cat?|O---|O--e|Odie
What was JFK's nickname for his daughter Caroline?|B------|B----ns|Buttons
What type of number describes the ratio of the speed of a plane to the speed of sound?|m---|ma--|mach
What color are a zebra's stripes during the first six months of life?|b----|br--n|brown
Who is the Barber of Seville?|F-----|F-g-a-o|Figaro
What city in Nepal translates as "wooden temples?"|---h---du|K-th--ndu|Kathmandu
Earth's outer layer of surface soil or crust is called the _____________.|lit--------|lit------re|lithosphere
This county has the lowest point in South America.|A--------|A----t-na|Argentina
What US City is known as The River capital of the world?|A----|Ak---|Akron
What's the worlds widest river?|A-----|Am---n|Amazon
What weapon is tattooed on Glen Campell's arm?|d-----|d-gg--|dagger
What subject did Mr. Chips teach?|L----|La--n|Latin
What did Wilhelm Roentgen discover in 1895?|X-----|X-R---|X-rays
What's the better-known name of the card game Twenty-One?|B--------|Bl---j---|Blackjack
What coutnry did 300,000 Chinese troops invade in February, 17979?|V------|Vi----m|Vietnam
From what "black metal" did blacksmith's take their name?|i---|i--n|iron
What Italian city is considered the fashion capital?|M---|Mi--|Mila
What 1970 movie hit was banned on military bases?|M---|MA--|MASH
Jimmy Carter once thought he saw a UFO; what was it?|V----|Ve---|Venus
What country used the deadly nerve gas SARIN against Kurdish minority factions in the 1990s?|I---|I--q|Iraq
What is the computer acronym for "picture element?"|p----|P-x--|Pixel
What segment of television receieves the ACE awards?|c----|C--le|Cable
What is the three headed dogs name that Hagrid (harry potter book 1) owns?|F-----|F--ff-|Fluffy
and thats the way the scout leader burns
Joined: Oct 2004
Posts: 8,330
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Oct 2004
Posts: 8,330 |
I seem to have missed the reply when I went on vacation. I'd just like to suggest that the script should do the hints automatically rather than including the hints in the questions file. Much easier that way and depending how you do the hints, the hints can end up being different each time the question is displayed rather than a static hint.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net