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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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on *:TEXT:Valo:#popular: {
timer 1 2 /msg # $nick I''m busy now
i'd like to update it that it shows only 1 time to 1 guy if hes repeating im ignoring messeges what should i update?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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#group.on.text.valo.popular on
on *:TEXT:Valo:#popular:{
if $($+(%,on.text.valo.popular.by.,$nick),2) { timer 1 2 msg $chan $nick I'm busy now }
set -u1000000000 $+(%,on.text.valo.popular.by.,$nick) 1
#group.on.text.valo.popular end
alias vpaway { .enable #group.on.text.valo.popular }
alias vpback { .disable #group.on.text.valo.popular | unset %on.text.valo.popular.by.* }
This well do it , it creates temp global vars to say who you already replied to, if you restart mirc its like you just started, if you type /VPBACK your not busy no more, if you type /VPAWAY you are, but its like you just started
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on *:TEXT:$(* $+ $strip($me) $+ *):[color:red]#Popular[/color]: {
if (!$hget(busy)) hmake busy 100
if ($hget(busy,$nick)) hadd busy $nick $calc($hget(busy,$nick) + 1)
elseif (!$hget(busy,$nick)) {
hadd busy $nick 1
notice $nick [color:red]I''m busy now.[/color]
if ($hget(busy,$nick) >= [color:red]3[/color]) {
hdel busy $nick
notice $nick [color:red]I said I was busy, you're now being ignored for 1 minute[/color]
ignore -u[color:red]60[/color] $wildsite
When they say your nickname once, you tell them you're busy. On the second time nothing will happen. On the third repetition you tell them you're ignoring them and do so. The parts in red you can change. 3 to change the repetitions. -u 60 to change the ignore time. Others to simply change the warning messages. Edit: { changed # to #Popular}
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Dang, beat me to it!
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
Joined: Apr 2005
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damn man thats great it works nice
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Although you're replying to yourself. * Andy wonders whether or not you was talking to him or talking to Dave.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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maybe hes using his one? I liked yours bye the way, using hashtables, i just wrote mine on the fly in the thread post page, so didnt make it to advanced.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hehe yeah, I've not tried yours but it looks like it'll do the trick.