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#117859 20/04/05 05:09 AM
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nutron Offline OP
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i use mirc for a long time and sometimes when i recieve a file and download stops for any reason (the send quits, or internet disconnects) i cant resume the file..
if i try i get an error for "Unable To Connect" but if i try to overwrite the file the send works..
pls someone tell me how to resume my files properly.

#117860 20/04/05 05:58 AM
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Hoopy frood
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you cant the problem is at the senders end.

#117861 20/04/05 03:11 PM
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but only 10 minutes ago i got this file from the same person and now after it stopped im getting the error..
and if i tell it to overwrite the file it works great.

#117862 20/04/05 05:58 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Like DaveC said, it's not a problem on your end, it's the sender that can/will not resume (usually due to router or firewall settings).

I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person. wink
#117863 20/04/05 10:03 PM
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Hoopy frood
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If you want the high tech answer, its most likely this

First you dont have the file then he starts the send by telling you what port to connect to lets call this port A his router/firewall/nat adjusts this message on the way out so it says port B, you recieve this and attempt to connect using port B, which his router/firewall/nat adjusts to port A at his end, everyone is happy and the download starts.

Now sadly you disconnect, so you return to him and ask for the file again.

Now with some of the file, he starts the send by telling you what port to connect to lets call this port A his router/firewall/nat adjusts this message on the way out so it says port B, you recieve this and here is were it all goes wrong, becuase you want to resume, so you send him a message back saying I want to resume the file being sent on port B, he gets this and goes, to bad to sad buddy cause im not sending any files on port B.

The problem lies in that HIS router/firewall/nat intercepts and adjusts the outbound port number but make no adjustment on the inbound message to resume.

#117864 26/04/05 09:41 AM
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Well, i have the same problem as nutron. The problem began when i switched to a ADSL Router(about a year ago). Since then i can't resume any file... =?
I always get:
Requesting resume
Transfer timed out

Im doubting if it is server sided...

#117865 26/04/05 12:57 PM
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Hoopy frood
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I have seen while doing support on Invision that some default router setups tend to block resumes. I don't use a router and never have, so I can't explain how to fix that. I know just the basics on how to get past routers blocking connections and such.

Anyhow, I wanted to throw that out for you guys too.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
#117866 27/04/05 03:34 AM
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Hoopy frood
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Since What u describe and what he described are two totally seperate things I doubt there the same problem, he said sometimes it wont resume and said he gets "Unable To Connect", you said cant ever resume and get "Transfer timed out"

I doubted the fire in my bathroom was related to the forest fire in denver, but then again they must have been becuase they both burnt things.

#117867 27/04/05 09:57 AM
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Well...they're both fires aren't they? grin
But then again, i asked for some help, not some criticism on my post =/
So do you have any idea what causes this or should i just throw my router of the the window? confused

#117868 27/04/05 10:55 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I suggest you find someone prepeared to help you online, then you both do this

/debug @debug

this creates a debugging window

Now get this person to send you a file, you then cancel the download after 1 min and get them to send it again, your @debug window should look something like
<- :The_person_helping!~them@irc.domain.net NOTICE DupeXP :DCC Send somefile.txt (
<- :The_person_helping!~them@irc.domain.net PRIVMSG DupeXP :DCC SEND somefile.txt 2071690107 7058 269435
wait a minute and cancel, then get them to send again
<- :The_person_helping!~them@irc.domain.net NOTICE DupeXP :DCC Send somefile.txt (
<- :The_person_helping!~them@irc.domain.net PRIVMSG DupeXP :DCC SEND somefile.txt 2071690107 7058 269435
-> irc.domain.net PRIVMSG The_person_helping :DCC RESUME "somefile.txt" 7058 122880
<- :The_person_helping!~them@irc.domain.net PRIVMSG DupeXP :DCC ACCEPT "somefile.txt" 7058 122880 = IP of sender
2071690107 = LongIP of sender
7058 = port used
269435 = filesize
122880 = resume position

Now the person helping you should have this.
-> irc.domain.net NOTICE DupeXP :DCC Send somefile.txt (
-> irc.domain.net PRIVMSG DupeXP :DCC SEND somefile.txt 2071690107 7058 269435
the wait from above
-> irc.domain.net NOTICE DupeXP :DCC Send somefile.txt (
-> irc.domain.net PRIVMSG DupeXP :DCC SEND somefile.txt 2071690107 7058 269435
<- laughupeXP!~DupeXP@your.domain.com PRIVMSG The_person_helping :DCC RESUME "somefile.txt" 7058 122880
-> irc.domain.net PRIVMSG DupeXP :DCC ACCEPT "somefile.txt" 7058 122880

Essentially these are the same but from each end of the send and recieve, what you should look for is a difference in them, is one just got junk in it?
Colors were added so you can see where the matching messages are in the reciever and the senders end.

Report back what you get in this type of test and someone might be able to diagnose whats wrong.

#117869 27/04/05 07:35 PM
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Ok, thnx for your reply

It seems that i cant recieve any files or send any through DCC
Yet i can recieve xdcc's perfectly =?

Here's the info my friend send me, its only half of what you told me to do, but since it didnt even connect... I also tried forwarding port 1024, but it didnt help frown

-> irc.dkom.at NOTICE The_MoD laughCC Send SJ-29.wav (
-> irc.dkom.at PRIVMSG The_MoD :DCC SEND SJ-29.wav 1052983379 1024 15678428

|09:14| »» DCC Get of SJ-29.wav from Mr_631 incomplete (unable to connect)

Accepting send
Connection failed

Last edited by DudeXP; 27/04/05 07:43 PM.
#117870 27/04/05 11:05 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It seems that i cant recieve any files or send any through DCC
Yet i can recieve xdcc's perfectly =?

Theres no difference in a dcc send and one sent from a xdcc bot, its still a dcc send to mirc.

Here's the info my friend send me, its only half of what you told me to do, but since it didnt even connect... I also tried forwarding port 1024, but it didnt help frown

-> irc.dkom.at NOTICE The_MoD laughCC Send SJ-29.wav (
-> irc.dkom.at PRIVMSG The_MoD :DCC SEND SJ-29.wav 1052983379 1024 15678428

|09:14| »» DCC Get of SJ-29.wav from Mr_631 incomplete (unable to connect)

Accepting send
Connection failed

ok well the problems a bit hard to see there, but in a pinch i would say its the 1024 is a problem
alt-o/connect/options/advanced/ dcc[tick] & first[5001] & last[6000] & use random ports[tick]

Try this on just your end first, as between you and the sender its likely you since you did recieve from a xdcc bot.

Why you cant send is likely that your adsl router is acting (suprisingly) like a router and not routing inbound connections that it doesnt know about to your pc (even if its the only pc there), you need to spec a first and last range as above then forward them same ports to your pc, in the router config, www.portforward.com for that.

#117871 28/04/05 07:33 PM
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Hmm... still no luck. Have this stupid limitiation on my router =/. It wil only let me forward 20 ports max. [Pic]
Tried 4990 till 5000; didnt work. Then i tried 58155 to 58165, didnt work either frown

Is there anything else i could try?

#117872 28/04/05 07:37 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Are you trying to resume a file?

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
#117873 28/04/05 08:18 PM
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Both, trying to resume, and trying to do what DaveC suggested. Still not working frown

#117874 28/04/05 08:40 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hmm... still no luck. Have this stupid limitiation on my router =/. It wil only let me forward 20 ports max. [Pic]
Tried 4990 till 5000; didnt work. Then i tried 58155 to 58165, didnt work either frown

Is there anything else i could try?


You telling me if you had just one entry with values
That thats all you can have becuase thats 20 ports?

If so I know how to fix that problem in (3) simple steps
(1) Dsconnect router
(2) Smash with large hammer
(3) Connect new and better router from someone else

Oh just looked at it again, and i notice you are mapping 1024-1030, to 1030-1035, you doing that for any particular reason ?

Also have a look in the NAT section
Or the BRIDGE section (if your the only pc behind the router)

#117875 28/04/05 08:51 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Just as a comment... sometimes resuming is the issue for people. If you tried xdcc with one file and it worked and you stopped part way through downloading it and then you tried resuming that file from dcc to see if dcc was working, you may run into problems for that reason alone.

I know little regarding routers as I don't use one, but I wouldn't think the port choice would affect how you download if you can use xdcc and not dcc. Not sure, though.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
#117876 28/04/05 10:05 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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This is to anyone interested ...

Based on over 3 years experience with hub/router/firewall configurations, and the same amount of time with dcc chat and/or dcc send/receive:

(unable to connect) is a problem on the sender's end, not the person receiving (generally a router problem, but sometimes nothing more than "use random ports" checked in Options .. Connect .. Options .. Advanced).

Transfer timed out is a problem on the receiving end, either an extension in your ignore list, or a firewall problem (mIRC not allowed in Norton's or XP's firewall usually). It is NOT a normal router problem.

If you can receive ANY dcc chat connection then the problem is either ignore list, or not on your end.

Last edited by CtrlAltDel; 28/04/05 10:09 PM.

I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person. wink
#117877 28/04/05 11:46 PM
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Hoopy frood
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in general : Someone correct me if im wrong but XDCC is a fileserver concept, when it comes down to the actual send its just a dcc send so if you can recieve from xdcc bots you can recieve from anyone, its just if there configured ok, and your configured ok, such as has been just mentioned, use random ports , sometimes one port in the random list doesnt work, so you can get odd fails out of the blue, which can leave you scratching your head.

Riamus2 : Yes you were right about ports shouldnt matter really if you can recieve, I think i had forgotten he said he can recieve at some point (or he changed his mind and said now he cant recieve at all, i cant remember)

#117878 29/04/05 08:24 AM
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You telling me if you had just one entry with values
That thats all you can have becuase thats 20 ports?

Oh just looked at it again, and i notice you are mapping 1024-1030, to 1030-1035, you doing that for any particular reason ?

Yup, i know...its sad. I mailed e-tech yesterday bout it. Still waiting for a response... crazy

port 1024-1030, to 1030-1035 ; Just some try outs, forgot to delete it.. =x

If so I know how to fix that problem in (3) simple steps
(1) Dsconnect router
(2) Smash with large hammer
(3) Connect new and better router from someone else

It's not gonna take long before i'm gonna take those actions.. ¬_¬

I can recieve XDCC files, yet i can't resume them. I tried with a friend to send me a file, that didnt work too. Then i tried to send a file to that friend, that didnt work either.
Norton Internet Security has permissions set. Mirc @ Permit all. Should be enough rite? =/ Windows Firewall is disabled, so that can't really be a problem.
It would be nice if you could tell me what i'm supossed to look for in NAT or Bridge Filt. Im not really familliar with them =x.
[Bride Filtering] [NAT] [NAT Name]

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