I'm not even sure if you all help with "kick revenge" stuff, but if you do it would be very much appreciated. Basically i want it to work like so, it only works when i'm opped in the channel i get kicked from hence on @*, If i get kicked by chanserv i want it to simply try to invite me back into the channel, then halt. If i get kicked by a user that is NOT myself, i want it to set variables to identify the channel, the person who kicked me, and the person who kicked me's address. then instead of relying on timers to decide when i will be back in the channel and all that, i want it to work so, as soon as i join the %kchan, it searches for the %knick, and kick bans that person. and if i dont join back in 20 seconds for it to unset all variable. its not working at all, i think it has to do with the halt in the begining. I have been out of scripting forever so im sure my code is probably sloppy. help me out please. here is the code.
#Kickpro on
on @*:kick:#:{
if ($knick == $me) && ($nick == Chanserv) { .chanserv invite $chan $me | halt }
elseif ($knick == $me) && ($nick != $me) {
.set %kchan = $chan | .set %knick = $nick | .set %banadd = $banmask $address($nick,3) $address($nick,2) | .chanserv invite %kchan $me | .chanserv deop %kchan %knick | .chanserv unban %kchan $me
on *:join:%kchan:{
if (%knick isin %kchan) {
.mode %kchan -o+bb %knick %banadd | .raw kick %kchan %knick [Auto][Kick] reason(kick revenge) | .timer 1 20 .unset %kchan | .timer 1 20 .unset %knick | .timer 1 20 .unset %banadd
#Kickpro end