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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
Joined: Feb 2005
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Lord_Raiden tips hat Thanks a million man! Will report back Lord_Raiden tips hat
"Raiden... Lord of Thunder"
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Aug 2003
Posts: 1,831 |
You also might include an on close event to close any hidden queries or to unhide them if you prefer. May as well use this event to save the current position/size too. on *:close:%QuerWindow:{
while $line(%QuerWindow,1,1) {
close -m $v1 | ; Use this to close the queries
; window -w $v1 | ; Use this to unhide them
dline -l %QuerWindow 1
writeini $+(",$mircini,") windows %QuerWindow $window($target).x $window($target).w $window($target).y $window($target).h
alias QuerWindow {
set %QuerWindow $+(@Message,$chr(160),Queuer)
[color:blue] if (!$window(%QuerWindow)) { window -odeSl11k0 %QuerWindow @Quer.MENU }[/color]
return %QuerWindow
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 4,230 |
Ill post what I did to mine, i added the nick change stuff for you, I personally dont care when someone changes nicks also not many people i talk to change them so it wasnt likely to happen to me. The problem with tracking nick changes is that you need to be in a channel with them, and also they might start changing nicks to ones you have convos logged for, so do you keep the old one or rename the current one and replace the old ones convo etc etc. I just did what i felt like whcih was delete $newnick log, then rename $nick log to $newnick log. If u dont like it ill refund your money ok? (please see contact my accounts lady Helen Waite for assistance on this) What have I done to this (1) Fixed bad filenames I use a custom fix rather than $mkfn comes to the same thing mostly. (2) Monitor for nick changes (3) Confirm on window close, and close all hidden query windows if closing (4) Double click whois info gets displayed in background The code is getting a bit big to be posted in total over and over BUT i thought that some might like what i did with the Double Click Whois so ill post it once here, I been experementing with the process ever since Iori came up with this quick clean method of making bitmaps in mirc. I didnt spend much time on checking what RAW's a whois uses just looked at my debug window and took a punt at 300-320, and 614, if there wrong sue me Someone give me some feed back on the whois info thing, is it good or just poser material?
; ** Misc **
alias -l Fix.Str2File { return $replace($1,&,&26,\,&5C,/,&2F,:,&3A,*,&2A,?,&3F,",&22,<,&3C,>,&3E,|,&7C,.,&2E) }
alias -l Fix.File2Str { return $replace($1,&5C,\,&2F,/,&3A,:,&2A,*,&3F,?,&22,",&3C,<,&3E,>,&7C,|,&2E,.,&26,&) }
; ** Menus **
menu @Quer.MENU {
;mouse :/echo -st mouse moved at $mouse.x $mouse.y in $active $1
;sclick :/echo -st single click at $mouse.x $mouse.y
;dclick :/echo -st double click at $mouse.x $mouse.y
;uclick :/echo -st mouse released at $mouse.x $mouse.y
;rclick :/echo -st single right-click at $mouse.x $mouse.y in $active $1
;leave :/echo -st mouse left $leftwin
;drop :/echo -st drag and drop at $mouse.x $mouse.y
;lbclick:/echo -st lbclick at $mouse.x $mouse.y in $active $1
lbclick: {
sline -l $QuerWindow $1
clear $QuerWindow
background -x $QuerWindow
if ($sline($QuerWindow,0) == 1) {
var %f = $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($sline($QuerWindow,1)),.jpg) | if ($isfile(%f)) { background -p $QuerWindow %f }
var %f = $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($sline($QuerWindow,1)),.txt) | if ($isfile(%f)) { loadbuf -pi $QuerWindow %f }
dclick: {
if ($sline($QuerWindow,0) == 1) {
whois $sline($QuerWindow,1)
set %Quer.Whois $sline($QuerWindow,1)
Close $$1 Conversation: {
if ($sline($QuerWindow,0) == 1) {
clear $QuerWindow
write $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($1),.txt) Session ended: $+([,$asctime,],$lf,$lf)
close -m $1
background -x $QuerWindow
titlebar $QuerWindow
dline -l $QuerWindow $sline($QuerWindow,1).ln
Delete $$1 History: {
if ($sline($QuerWindow,0) == 1) {
clear $QuerWindow
close -m $1
background -x $QuerWindow
titlebar $QuerWindow
dline -l $QuerWindow $sline($QuerWindow,1).ln
.remove $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($1),.txt)
; ** identifiers **
alias QuerWindow {
set %QuerWindow $+(@Message,$chr(160),Queuer)
if (!$window(%QuerWindow)) { window -odeSl11k0 %QuerWindow 245 250 594 266 @Quer.MENU }
return %QuerWindow
; ** Aliases **
alias Quer.Titlebar { titlebar $QuerWindow - Conversation with $sline($QuerWindow,1) - $iif(%QuerTextWin,TW,NW) - $iif(%QuerConfirmOff,IM,CM) }
; ** Events **
on ^*:open:?:*:{ query -n $nick | window -h $nick }
on ^*:text:*:?:{ quer.open.and.text.event $1- }
on ^*:action:*:?:{ quer.open.and.text.event $1- }
alias quer.open.and.text.event {
mkdir QuerLogs
var %t = $+($iif($event == action, $+ $color(action)),[,$time(HH:nn),]) $iif($event == action,* $nick,$+(<,$nick,>)) $1-
write $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($nick),.txt) %t
aline -ln $QuerWindow $nick
if ($sline($QuerWindow,1) == $nick) { aline -pi $QuerWindow %t }
window -g1 $QuerWindow
window -h $nick
on *:input:@:{
if ($active == %QuerWindow) {
if ((%QuerTextWin) || ($ctrlenter) || (/* !iswm $1-)) { .quer.msg $1- }
else { .timer 1 0 savebuf $QuerWindow $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($sline($QuerWindow,1)),.txt) }
alias quer.msg {
if ($sline($QuerWindow,0) == 1) {
if ((%QuerConfirmOff) || ($input(Secure Send Message $+ $crlf $+ Send this message to $sline($QuerWindow,1) $+ ? $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ $1-,c,Send Message.) == $true)) {
PRIVMSG $sline($QuerWindow,1) $1-
aline -p $QuerWindow $+([,$time(HH:nn),] <,$me,>) $1-
else { editbox $QuerWindow $1- }
savebuf $QuerWindow $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($sline($QuerWindow,1)),.txt)
on *:NICK:{
if ($fline($QuerWindow,$nick,1,1)) {
if ($sline($QuerWindow,1) == $nick) {
dline -l $QuerWindow $fline($QuerWindow,$nick,1,1)
aline -ln $QuerWindow $newnick
sline -l $QuerWindow $fline($QuerWindow,$newnick,1,1)
else {
dline -l $QuerWindow $fline($QuerWindow,$nick,1,1)
aline -ln $QuerWindow $newnick
var %of = $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($nick),.txt)
if ($isfile(%of)) {
var %nf = $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($newnick),.txt)
.remove %nf
.timer 1 0 .rename %of %nf
var %of = $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($nick),.jpg)
if ($isfile(%of)) {
var %nf = $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($newnick),.jpg)
.remove %nf
.timer 1 0 .rename %of %nf
on *:Keydown:%QuerWindow:*: {
;/echo -st DN $keyval .. $keyrpt
;splay sounds\typewriter.wav
if ($keyval == 18) {
var %cycle = $!false $!false/$true $!false/$true $!true/$false $!true/$false $!false
var %cycle = $gettok(%cycle,$calc($findtok(%cycle,%QuerTextWin %QuerConfirmOff,1,47)+1),47)
set %QuerTextWin $gettok(%cycle,1,32)
set %QuerConfirmOff $gettok(%cycle,2,32)
elseif ($keyval == 27) { window -c $QuerWindow }
on *:CLOSE:%QuerWindow:{
window -n $QuerWindow
if ($?!="Are you sure you want to close the $QuerWindow window?" != $true ) {
close -@ $QuerWindow $+ Closing
renwin $QuerWindow $QuerWindow $+ Closing
filter -cpzww $QuerWindow $+ Closing $QuerWindow *
filter -czwwlL $QuerWindow $+ Closing $QuerWindow *
if ($sline($QuerWindow $+ Closing,1).ln) {
sline -l $QuerWindow [ $v1 ]
var %f = $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($sline($QuerWindow,1)),.jpg) | if ($isfile(%f)) { background -p $QuerWindow %f }
else {
background -x $QuerWindow
var %i = $line($QuerWindow,0,1)
while (%i) {
close -m $line($QuerWindow,%i,1)
dec %i
;ON WHOIS uses RAW 300-320,614 (maybe some others?) see below
alias quer.whois.image {
set %quer.whois.image @quer.whois.image
if (!$window(%quer.whois.image)) {
window -c %quer.whois.image
set %Quer.whois.image.x 5
set %Quer.Whois.image.y 5
window -hp %quer.whois.image 1 1 100 100
set %Quer.whois.image.w.adjust $calc($window(%quer.whois.image).w - $window(%quer.whois.image).bw + 10)
set %Quer.whois.image.h.adjust $calc($window(%quer.whois.image).h - $window(%quer.whois.image).bh + 10)
return %quer.whois.image
alias quer.whois.line {
;/echo -st RAW $numeric : $1-
var %width = $width($1-,$window($quer.whois.image).font,$window($quer.whois.image).fontsize,0,1) + %Quer.whois.image.w.adjust
var %height = $height($1-,$window($quer.whois.image).font,$window($quer.whois.image).fontsize)
window $quer.whois.image 1 1 %width $calc(%Quer.whois.image.y + %height + %Quer.whois.image.h.adjust)
drawtext -p $quer.whois.image $color(normal text) 5 %Quer.whois.image.y $1-
inc %Quer.whois.image.y %height
alias quer.whois.finish {
window $quer.whois.image 1 1 1 240
var %f = $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File(%Quer.whois),.jpg)
drawsave $quer.whois.image %f
background -p $QuerWindow %f
window -c $quer.whois.image
raw 300:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 301:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 302:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 303:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 304:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 305:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 306:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 307:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 308:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 309:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 310:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 311:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 312:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 313:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 314:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 315:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 316:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 317:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 318:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.finish
raw 319:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 320:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 614:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 4,230 |
Sorry missed that, didnt relaiase there was a second page to the thread, untill i posted and couldnt find my post.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 3,547 |
Nice update there Dave, just a minor note to those who want to see new updates please keep posting, I never thought it'd get this far to be honest it was just an idea I had so my switchbar wasn't filling up with PM's. Thanks mainly to Iori and Dave, for telling me how to improve it. And to everyone who has tried it.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 3,547 |
*** I've made a few adjustments, I've removed the comments in the splay part and changed it to isfile so it will either play the files or it wont. *** *** Changed the $?!="" on close to $input to play the system sound associated with the question mark icon. ***
alias -l Fix.Str2File {
return $replace($1,&,&26,\,&5C,/,&2F,:,&3A,*,&2A,?,&3F,",&22,<,&3C,>,&3E,|,&7C,.,&2E)
alias -l Fix.File2Str {
return $replace($1,&5C,\,&2F,/,&3A,:,&2A,*,&3F,?,&22,",&3C,<,&3E,>,&7C,|,&2E,.,&26,&)
menu @Quer.MENU {
lbclick: {
sline -l $QuerWindow $1
clear $QuerWindow
background -x $QuerWindow
if ($sline($QuerWindow,0) == 1) {
var %f = $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($sline($QuerWindow,1)),.jpg) | if ($isfile(%f)) {
background -p $QuerWindow %f
var %f = $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($sline($QuerWindow,1)),.txt) | if ($isfile(%f)) {
loadbuf -pi $QuerWindow %f
dclick: {
if ($sline($QuerWindow,0) == 1) {
whois $sline($QuerWindow,1)
set %Quer.Whois $sline($QuerWindow,1)
Close $$1 Conversation: {
if ($sline($QuerWindow,0) == 1) {
clear $QuerWindow
write $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($1),.txt) Session ended: $+([,$asctime,],$lf,$lf)
close -m $1
background -x $QuerWindow
titlebar $QuerWindow
dline -l $QuerWindow $sline($QuerWindow,1).ln
Delete $$1 History: {
if ($sline($QuerWindow,0) == 1) {
clear $QuerWindow
close -m $1
background -x $QuerWindow
titlebar $QuerWindow
dline -l $QuerWindow $sline($QuerWindow,1).ln
.remove $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($1),.txt)
alias QuerWindow {
set %QuerWindow @Quer
if (!$window(%QuerWindow)) {
window -odeSl11k0 %QuerWindow 245 250 594 266 @Quer.MENU
return %QuerWindow
alias Quer.Titlebar {
titlebar $QuerWindow - Conversation with $sline($QuerWindow,1) - $iif(%QuerTextWin,TW,NW) - $iif(%QuerConfirmOff,IM,CM)
on ^*:open:?:*: {
query -n $nick
window -h $nick
on ^*:text:*:?: {
quer.open.and.text.event $1-
on ^*:action:*:?: {
quer.open.and.text.event $1-
alias quer.open.and.text.event {
mkdir QuerLogs
var %t = $+($iif($event == action, $+ $color(action)),[,$time(HH:nn),]) $iif($event == action,* $nick,$+(<,$nick,>)) $1-
write $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($nick),.txt) %t
aline -ln $QuerWindow $nick
if ($sline($QuerWindow,1) == $nick) {
aline -pi $QuerWindow %t
window -g1 $QuerWindow
window -h $nick
on *:input:@:{
if ($active == %QuerWindow) {
if ((%QuerTextWin) || ($ctrlenter) || (/* !iswm $1-)) {
.quer.msg $1-
if ($isfile(sounds/enter.wav)) { splay sounds/enter.wav }
else {
.timer 1 0 savebuf $QuerWindow $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($sline($QuerWindow,1)),.txt)
alias quer.msg {
if ($sline($QuerWindow,0) == 1) {
if ((%QuerConfirmOff) || ($input(Secure Send Message $+ $crlf $+ Send this message to $sline($QuerWindow,1) $+ ? $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ $1-,c,Send Message.) == $true)) {
PRIVMSG $sline($QuerWindow,1) $1-
aline -p $QuerWindow $+([,$time(HH:nn),] <,$me,>) $1-
else { editbox $QuerWindow $1- }
savebuf $QuerWindow $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($sline($QuerWindow,1)),.txt)
on *:NICK:{
if ($fline($QuerWindow,$nick,1,1)) {
if ($sline($QuerWindow,1) == $nick) {
dline -l $QuerWindow $fline($QuerWindow,$nick,1,1)
aline -ln $QuerWindow $newnick
sline -l $QuerWindow $fline($QuerWindow,$newnick,1,1)
else {
dline -l $QuerWindow $fline($QuerWindow,$nick,1,1)
aline -ln $QuerWindow $newnick
var %of = $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($nick),.txt)
if ($isfile(%of)) {
var %nf = $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($newnick),.txt)
.remove %nf
.timer 1 0 .rename %of %nf
var %of = $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($nick),.jpg)
if ($isfile(%of)) {
var %nf = $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($newnick),.jpg)
.remove %nf
.timer 1 0 .rename %of %nf
on *:Keydown:%QuerWindow:*: {
if ($isfile(sounds\typewriter.wav)) {
splay sounds\typewriter.wav
if ($keyval == 8) {
if ($isfile(sounds\back.wav)) {
splay sounds\back.wav
if ($keyval == 18) {
var %cycle = $!false $!false/$true $!false/$true $!true/$false $!true/$false $!false
var %cycle = $gettok(%cycle,$calc($findtok(%cycle,%QuerTextWin %QuerConfirmOff,1,47)+1),47)
set %QuerTextWin $gettok(%cycle,1,32)
set %QuerConfirmOff $gettok(%cycle,2,32)
elseif ($keyval == 27) {
window -c $QuerWindow
on *:CLOSE:%QuerWindow:{
window -n %QuerWindow
if ($input(Are you sure you want to close the $QuerWindow window?,dq,Confirm close) != $true) {
close -@ $QuerWindow $+ Closing
renwin $QuerWindow $QuerWindow $+ Closing
filter -cpzww $QuerWindow $+ Closing $QuerWindow *
filter -czwwlL $QuerWindow $+ Closing $QuerWindow *
if ($sline($QuerWindow $+ Closing,1).ln) {
sline -l $QuerWindow [ $v1 ]
var %f = $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($sline($QuerWindow,1)),.jpg) | if ($isfile(%f)) {
background -p $QuerWindow %f
else {
background -x $QuerWindow
var %i = $line($QuerWindow,0,1)
while (%i) {
close -m $line($QuerWindow,%i,1)
dec %i
alias quer.whois.image {
set %quer.whois.image @quer.whois.image
if (!$window(%quer.whois.image)) {
window -c %quer.whois.image
set %Quer.whois.image.x 5
set %Quer.Whois.image.y 5
window -hp %quer.whois.image 1 1 100 100
set %Quer.whois.image.w.adjust $calc($window(%quer.whois.image).w - $window(%quer.whois.image).bw + 10)
set %Quer.whois.image.h.adjust $calc($window(%quer.whois.image).h - $window(%quer.whois.image).bh + 10)
return %quer.whois.image
alias quer.whois.line {
var %width = $width($1-,$window($quer.whois.image).font,$window($quer.whois.image).fontsize,0,1) + %Quer.whois.image.w.adjust
var %height = $height($1-,$window($quer.whois.image).font,$window($quer.whois.image).fontsize)
window $quer.whois.image 1 1 %width $calc(%Quer.whois.image.y + %height + %Quer.whois.image.h.adjust)
drawtext -p $quer.whois.image $color(normal text) 5 %Quer.whois.image.y $1-
inc %Quer.whois.image.y %height
alias quer.whois.finish {
window $quer.whois.image 1 1 1 240
var %f = $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File(%Quer.whois),.jpg)
drawsave $quer.whois.image %f
background -p $QuerWindow %f
window -c $quer.whois.image
raw 300:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 301:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 302:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 303:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 304:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 305:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 306:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 307:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 308:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 309:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 310:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 311:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 312:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 313:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 314:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 315:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 316:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 317:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 318:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.finish
raw 319:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 320:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
raw 614:$(& $iif(%Quer.whois,$v1,-) *):quer.whois.line $3-
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 4,230 |
I've made a few adjustments, I've removed the comments in the splay part and changed it to isfile so it will either play the files or it wont. LOL didnt even notice it, i must have remarked it in the first version and not unmarked it since. if ($sline($QuerWindow $+ Closing,1).ln) { sline -l $QuerWindow [ $v1 ] Quer.Titlebar var %f = $+(QuerLogs\Quer.,$Fix.Str2File($sline($QuerWindow,1)),.jpg) | if ($isfile(%f)) { background -p $QuerWindow %f }
I see you dont like putting some things on the same lines, your choice of course, no harm either way, i just find if its one command, i might as well do it, it makes code more straight down in my eyes. But i actually quoted this for another reason, its the if ($sline($QuerWindow $+ Closing,1).ln) { sline -l $QuerWindow [ $v1 ] If your altering any of the code watch out for using $v1 $v2 and $ifmatch, around the custom $identifiers, the [ ] around [ $v1 ] is there on purpose as they are needed so its evaluated Prior to $QuerWindow, as that $identifier well alter the contents of $v1, something I have got used to in my coding, but is a easy trap to miss, you end up staring at the code, going ,well theres $v1 and next i use it here, why isnt it set correctly?!?!?!?!?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 3,547 |
Hehe yeah it was in the first version. When coding something I will always put them on about 3-4 lines and then go back and put them on one line for some reason. It's something I have always done as you'll see in my posts, another thing as you'd define as hardcoding window names into scripts, that's another thing I've always done. As you said there's no harm in it, it's just something over a long period of time you become somewhat comfortable with it.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
Joined: Oct 2015
Posts: 15 |
Hey, Sorry for opening an old thread. I like this code, but can I do that in 2018 so that a private name will flash? If I have 3-4 query openings, and I see who wrote? Ps! English is not my native language. Sorry
Joined: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,127
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,127 |
It seems your question is unrelated to this thread. They are scripting to evade the behavior you're asking for, which should already be happening unless you've changed something.
By default, mirc-options/display has the box checked for "flash icons". When that box is checked, the query window in the switchbar and the treebar flashes each time a query window receives a message, otherwise it's a solid color. The color dropdown at the bottom of that same menu window controls which color the query window uses.