All right then, at least I know what you meant...

I downloaded and looked on the code of xdccklipper, and from what I have seen, it will not let you request more than 1 file from the same xdccbot (I checked the On Input).
If a tranfer does't apear in the status window of the addon then it doesn't close the transfer window on complete.
I went to thier forum to search why they did what the did, and I found that it is because when a xdccbot sends you a file, there is no way of telling which pack is actualy sending (in case the script would support more then 1 transfer from that bot).
When updating the script status window about the information of download speed atc, it will also not know to which transfer window belongs to which pack, so the information will not be correct.
I'm realy impressed though that users here knows a lots about xdccklipper even though this forum doesn't allow talking/reffering to those kind of scripts :tongue:

I'll send an email to them with your suggestion to fix the bug.
I didn't know that you can even do
window -c "Get $nick $nopath($filename) $+ " ....... I found something new every day