This all depends on the IRC software
or "IRCd" Most common that i know of... is..
Confernce Room Which has the following modes (
@ - Op +o
+ - Voice +v
- - The Thing under Op :tongue: +u
Unreal IRCd - Which The network i am uses. (
We have the following enabled.. ...
~ - Owner/Founder of Chan +q
& - Sop "Admin" of chan +a
@ - AOP "Op" of chan +o
% - HOP "halfop" of chan +h
+ - VOP "voice" of chan +v
UltimateIRCd - Is the following
! - Admin/Founder +a
@ - Op - +o
% - Halfop - +h
+ - Voice +v
Here is EFNet runing Xylon? IRCd... probably custom
O - Op @
V Voice +
Basicly you pretty much get it!
i hope my pointless guide to your already answered question is helpful