#idle off
alias hostidle {
var %i = 1, %chan = $comchan($me,1)
var %nick = $nick(%chan,1,o)
while (%nick) {
; if (%nick != $me) && ($nick(%chan,%i,o).idle >= 1800) {
if (%nick != $me) && ($nick(%chan,%i,o).idle >= 3600) {
;^ added ,o so now your looking at the same nick as is in %nick
mode %chan -o %nick
msg %chan Sorry %nick $+ , You have been idle too long, Please use !hostme when you decide to rejoin us ( $+ $duration($nick(%chan,%i,o).idle) $+ )
;^ added ,o again
inc %i
%nick = $nick(%chan,%i,o)
;^ replaced 0 (zero) with o, zero well respond with a $null so loop would have ended after first pass
#idle end
menu * {
Idle-Host ( $+ $group(#idle) $+ )
.On:{ .enable #idle | echo -a 4..::Idle-Host Enabled::.. }
.Off:{ .disable #idle | echo -a 4..::Idle-Host Disabled::.. }
.Start Idle-Host Scan (every 5 minutes):/.timerhostidler 0 300 hostidle