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#110589 08/02/05 04:39 PM
Joined: Jan 2005
Posts: 75
ztnaraM Offline OP
Babel fish
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Babel fish
Joined: Jan 2005
Posts: 75
can anyone tell me what is wrong with this, i took it from my old mIRC 6.02 script after finding the disc with it on, (relief) it's to do with adding a network name, the input doesn't give a box to put anything in just an ok/cancel and it either adds $true or $false and i don't know why.

 on 1:dialog:ajoin:sclick:*: { 
  if ($did == 4) { 
    did -e ajoin 5 
    did -r ajoin 5 
    did -a ajoin 5 $hget(autojoin,$did(4).seltext) 
  if ($did == 1) { hadd autojoin $did(4).seltext $did(5) }
  if ($did == 7) {
    var %server = $input(Network Name ($network),1 4 64,Add Server) 
    if (%server == $null) { goto end }
    hadd autojoin %server $null
    dialog -x ajoin ajoin 
    dialog -md ajoin ajoin 
    did -c ajoin 4 $didwm(ajoin,4,%server)
    did -r ajoin 5
  if ($did == 8) { 
    hdel autojoin $did(4).seltext 
    did -d ajoin 4 $didwm(ajoin,4,$did(4).seltext) 
    did -c ajoin 4 1 
    did -r ajoin 5 
    did -a ajoin 5 $hget(autojoin,$did(4).seltext)

#110590 08/02/05 05:55 PM
Joined: Mar 2003
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Mar 2003
Posts: 1,271
When in doubt, see helpfile.
The $input syntax has changed.

This works. to add icons, you need to add letters these days:

var %server = $input(Network Name ( $network ),e,Add Server)
[color:green]questionmark icon[/color]
var %server = $input(Network Name ( $network ),eq,Add Server)

alternative icons: info, warning, hand,

DALnet #Helpdesk
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius
#110591 08/02/05 06:30 PM
Joined: Jan 2005
Posts: 75
ztnaraM Offline OP
Babel fish
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Babel fish
Joined: Jan 2005
Posts: 75
ah, sorted thanks, i didn't realize it had changed as much as that :tongue:

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