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#110250 05/02/05 04:38 PM
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Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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Hey People.

I want my script to automatically let level 10 people in when it's an invite only mode. Any ideas?

"God sometimes puts us in the dark for us to see the light"
#110251 05/02/05 04:43 PM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Check to see if your network supports channel mode I (upper i)
if so, you can add them to the invite list just like you would
add a ban and then they could just enter without needing an

/mode #chan +I *!*user@*.host
just like a ban

Else if your network uses ChanServ, it has INVITE command
which when used, invites the user to the channel provided
they have the proper ChanServ access and are identified
with NickServ.

/msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>
/msg ChanServ INVITE <#chan>

#110252 05/02/05 04:50 PM
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Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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Actually, I want it to automatically let people who are a level 10 in when it's an invite only. Without having to add them to the list. Is it possible?

"God sometimes puts us in the dark for us to see the light"
#110253 05/02/05 04:53 PM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Well you could add them to your notify list and then use this..

on *:NOTIFY:invite $nick <#chan>

Either way you're going to have to add them to some kind
of list or have them invite themselves using ChanServ or
an eggdrop bot or something.

#110254 05/02/05 05:48 PM
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Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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Got another question. How can i convert this command so that i can activate it by whisper(private msg) also?

on 10:TEXT:!op:#:/mode # +o $nick

"God sometimes puts us in the dark for us to see the light"
#110255 05/02/05 05:52 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on +10:TEXT:!op:[color:blue]?[/color]:{ 
  mode [color:blue]#channelname[/color] +o $nick  

? = query messages, see /help on text

For both...
on +10:TEXT:!op:*:{
  mode $iif(#,#,[color:blue]#channelname[/color]) +o $nick

#110256 05/02/05 06:11 PM
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Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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Iori, since you helped me with my - disable/enable profanity kick, could you help me with a command, that when someone types !profanitystatus, it would say weather the kick is on or off. Any ideas?

"God sometimes puts us in the dark for us to see the light"
#110257 05/02/05 06:16 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Something like this? smile
on *:text:!profanitystatus:#:{
  msg # Profanity Kick is $upper($group(#profanity))

#110258 05/02/05 06:21 PM
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Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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EXCELENT! grin grin grin grin I'm trying to make this one thing as complex as possible, so in the future, when im working on other things, i can pull code from this. Kind of like an archive of codes. Get it? Thnaks again!

"God sometimes puts us in the dark for us to see the light"
#110259 05/02/05 06:38 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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OK good to hear smile
BTW: you can combine these !profanity* events
on  $*:text:/^!profanity\s?(status|on|off)$/Si:#:{
[color:gray]  ; ^^ This reacts to "!profanity on|off|status" with or without a space after "!profanity"[/color]
  if $ulevel == 10 &amp;&amp; $istok(on off,$regml(1),32) {
[color:gray]  ; ^^ This checks user level first and if it is 10 AND 'on' or 'off' is used...[/color]
    $iif($regml(1) == on,.enable,.disable) #Profanity
[color:gray]    ; enables|disables the group[/color]
  msg # Profanity Kicker is $upper($group(#profanity))
[color:gray]  ; msg the channel with the status (same line is used in both the events) - no level check here[/color]

#110260 05/02/05 07:27 PM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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rather than groups since i often have many things in one group i use variables for switches for instance
menu nicklist {
  .on: {
    if (%away = off) {
      /set %away on
      echo 5 -a Away is on.
    else {
      echo 5 -a away is already on stupid.   
  .off { 
    if (%away = on) {
      /set %away off
      echo 5 -a Away is off.
    else {
      echo 5 -a away is already off stupid.
on @*:text:*ReIgN*:*:{
  if (([color:red](%away = on) &amp;&amp; (%j != on) [/color] &amp;&amp; ($nick != morganna))) {
    notice $nick ReIgN more than likely unconscious leave a msg and he will get back to you as soon as possible.


The Kodokan will move you, one way or another.

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