Dcc chat window is auto-close when the "DCC session" is terminated by remote user and the dcc chat was initialized from a event(ex. On Text/On Join/On Input..etc)
How to reproduce?
1. Open two server windows(with different nicks.. example nick1, nick2), connect&join both to the same channel.. (you can open two mircs.. to be sure what bug is not caused by some multiserver feature)
2. In remote put some event what will initialize a dcc chat with nick2, i chose the on Input event(easy to trigger)..
on 1:INPUT:#:{
if ($1- == TypeIt) { dcc chat [color:blue]Nick2[/color] | haltdef }
(you must change Nick2 to your 2th nick)
3. Type in the channel window:
TypeIt, mIRC will try to make a dcc connection, press accept on 2th connection
4. Affter successfully "DCC Chat connection established", close dcc chat in 2th connection, you'll notice what the dcc chat from 1th connection is also closed!
Tested on mIRC 6.16, Windows XP.
If /dcc chat is called from a alias or command line, all is fine..