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Babel fish
Babel fish
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how u make a script that leave a channel when like: example: !part #blah and then the bot quit #blah,how u do that? and same thing with the join script,how u make one of those script?...like !join #blah,the bot joins the channel,how? pelase help me
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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here's a tip for ya CyborAccess,
try using this sites search feature... i know there is at least two threads on this subject....
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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if u look through my script that i pasted or the bot rather you should see it but the hell with it it goes without saying that you insert a user level if u want one ok on *:text:!part:#:{
part $chan
on *:text:!part *:*:{
part $$2-
} the first one you enter in a channel and the bot parts that channel just !part the second one you can either enter ina channel or through a msg and you specify the channel you want it to part i.e. !part #sensei i trust this will suffice
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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i almost forgot the join on *:text:!join *:*:{
join $$2-
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ricky, it's a bot. I don't think the original poster would actually let that command be triggered when everyone says it. Which I really don't think would be such a grand idea, because you get some idiots who will just flood the bot off with masses of joins. Cybor: /guser owner Your_Nick 2 Ricky, one slight alteration.
On owner:Text:!join *:#: {
if ($ulist($ial($me))) {
join [color:red]#[/color]$$2-
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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you realize im just handing him the bare minimum so he can get the idea and carry it himself but oh well the # i leave out on mine beacuase i know to type it althought i would have thought u would need a $+ between # and $$2- :tongue: oh yeah why did u make it purely on chan then if his bot is say on no channels for whatever reason he cant make it join remotely thats why i use either * or ? in this case * if it will work
Last edited by ricky_knuckles; 19/01/05 08:09 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Actually his example works.
Try it out: //tokenize 32 testing | join #$1
Will join #testing. This is an exception though, and doesn't work in other cases, since normally identifiers need to be atleast preceeded by a space in order to evaluated (when not part of another identifier itself that is, or some other exceptions like in popups where you can put a . before an identifier like $iif fex)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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This a general reply, i'm just replying to Slade because his is the post I was reading before making this reply  It might be a good idea to add a check to make sure they don't try and make you join 0 (/join 0, /join 00, /join 000, etc), which is the equivalent of /partall. on *:text:!join *:#:{
var %a, %b = $regsub($$2,/(?<=^|\x2C)0+(?=\x2C|$)/g,,%a)
join %a
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Indeed. Good point. 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Is there anything you don't moan about? You moan about everything in every little detail. oh yeah why did u make it purely on chan then if his bot is say on no channels for whatever reason he cant make it join remotely thats why i use either * or ? in this case * if it will work
Go ahead dude, add the stupid asterisk.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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That's a good idea, but it could be improved a bit, since right now it doesn't work if you use spaces like:
#one , 000 , #two
I figured, we could as well replace any occurences of a channel specified without its prefix #, since that would give an error to join. This will catch the 0's as well, all in one.
The good thing is that it does give support for channel keys:
var %a, %b = $regsub($2-,/(?<=^|\x2C)\s?[^#]+/g,,%a)
On the test string: bla #one test, #two , 00 ,test #three four it gave: #one test,#two ,#three four
I'm sure the regex can be improved, though I gotta go, going to the movies :tongue:
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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there you go breaking the regex out 
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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did you not just gripe at me about having the #$$2- yeah sit down
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you try and /join #one , 000 , #two all that will happen is you join #one.  /join doesn't accept spaces between channel names.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'm honestly surprised, because the comma's are the delimiter, it seems weird why spaces would matter, since they can't be part of a channel name.
Oh well, the regex still works, but its merit is reduced to simply removing 0's and channel names without the # prefix.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Comma between channelnames and between keys, space between channels and keys join #channel key join #chan1,#chan2 key1,key2 Oh and don't forget $chantypes is not always only # 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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What would this join: join #chan1,#chan2 key1,key2 ? chan1 with key1 and chan2 with key2...never knew that, always thought it was: chan key, chan key, chan key Heh, you might be surprised I don't know this stuff, but I rarely chat, I use mIRC mainly to script  Well then the regex I posted should be discarded, since it was created with incomplete knowledge about joining channels. Greets
Last edited by FiberOPtics; 19/01/05 11:53 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Why does this sound like Deja Vu Fiber? It sounds like this was said the exact same time yesterday. :tongue:
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I went to bed at 11 pm yesterday, that was 2 hours before now, so I don't know what and where something about joining channels was said exactly at this time.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Sorry, in regards with: Heh, you might be surprised I don't know this stuff, but I rarely chat, I use mIRC mainly to script
