What Iori means is this:
Instead of this:
#help on
on *:text:!help*:#:{
if (%i != on) && ($1 == !help) {
if ($2 == $null) { tokenize 32 - Help }
if ($ini(help.txt,$2)) {
play -t $+ $2 $nick help.txt 2000
set -su5 %i on
#help end
We do this:
#help on
on *:text:!help*:#:{
if ($1 == !help) {
if ($2 == $null) { tokenize 32 - Help }
if ($ini(help.txt,$2)) {
play -t $+ $2 $nick help.txt 2000
.disable #help
.timer 1 5 .enable #help
#help end
This provides the same function, without having the if check for %i
You could put it in an alias:
alias nohelp .disable #help | .timer 1 5 .enable #help
and then simply specify "nohelp" after that play command.