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#108060 17/01/05 02:46 AM
Joined: Sep 2003
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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set -su5 %i on

^ its in the event, its his anti flooder, makes the bot only answer one request every 5 seconds

#108061 17/01/05 02:47 AM
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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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just a simple little antiflood timer deal
everytime one of the help commands is used it sets it to on
and a timer that unsets it after 5 seconds
so you cant call something from the help section faster than every 5 seconds
im sure this isnt the best way but i have to stay with what i can understand

Last edited by ricky_knuckles; 17/01/05 02:48 AM.

The Kodokan will move you, one way or another.
#108062 17/01/05 02:51 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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What Iori means is this:

Instead of this:

#help on
on *:text:!help*:#:{
  if (%i != on) && ($1 == !help) {
    if ($2 == $null) { tokenize 32 - Help }
    if ($ini(help.txt,$2)) {  
      play -t $+ $2 $nick help.txt 2000
      set -su5 %i on
#help end

We do this:

#help on
on *:text:!help*:#:{
  if ($1 == !help) {
    if ($2 == $null) { tokenize 32 - Help }
    if ($ini(help.txt,$2)) {  
      play -t $+ $2 $nick help.txt 2000
      .disable #help
      .timer 1 5 .enable #help   
#help end

This provides the same function, without having the if check for %i

You could put it in an alias:

alias nohelp .disable #help | .timer 1 5 .enable #help

and then simply specify "nohelp" after that play command.


#108063 17/01/05 02:57 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Posts: 1,831
OK, but /play queues requests, mIRC won't /play more than one request at a time. There is also the -qN and -mN switches whch limit the amount of requests that can be queued. smile

#108064 17/01/05 03:13 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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OK, but /play queues requests, mIRC won't /play more than one request at a time. There is also the -qN and -mN switches whch limit the amount of requests that can be queued. smile

Thats my fault he originally was messaging all of it instantly, so i set the plays using 0 delay, so didnt do any -m or -q, but since the lines are short, he could still get caught flooding with a -m1 he would need to put minimal of 3 lines for each section (not a hard feat i guess)

#108065 17/01/05 04:22 AM
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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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if (%i != on) && ($1 == !help) {
if ((%i != on) && ($1 == !help))
certainly was that bit of code is cursed
cursed i tell you

Last edited by ricky_knuckles; 17/01/05 05:42 AM.
#108066 17/01/05 05:06 AM
Joined: Dec 2002
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Was those red braces symbolize mistakes? Because that is still wrong.

if ((%i != on) && ($1 == !help))

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