lol @ your first suggestion locutus.... :tongue:

i've looked at the mirc help file again and saw that the /writeini does infact do what i was asking about... ( i hate asking lamer questions, blah) so if i had somthing like this:

dialog Ini-Test {
  title "test"
  size -1 -1 87 84
  option dbu
  box "Settings", 1, 13 8 64 67
  check "Join Messages", 2, 21 21 50 10
  check "Part Messages", 3, 21 30 50 10
  check "Quit Messages", 4, 21 39 50 10
  button "Button", 5, 24 58 37 12, ok

my alias would look like this then, correct?
 walias { /writeini -n dat\ini\test.ini $1 $2 $3- } 

so my call string would be sumthing like :
 if ($did == 2) { if ($did(ini-test,$did).state == 1) { $walias visuals Join On } | else { $walias visuals Join Off } }  

for my read:
ralias { $readini(test.ini $1 $2 } 

and call string:
if ($ralias(visuals,Join) == On) { did -c $dname 2}  

would this also be correct???