on @*:action:*:#: {
  if ($istok(%actions,$strip($1-),61)) { 
    inc $+(%,action,$nick,$chan)
    if ($eval($+(%,action,$nick,$chan),2) <= 2) { .notice $nick Please do not use actions (the /me command) in here. Thank you. }
    else { kick # $nick You were warned to not use actions. | unset $+(%,action,$nick,$chan) }
You can try this then. The varible %actions should contain the JApplet's sentences, separated by an equal sign (=).

Eg: is really very bored.= smiles at everyone in the room :-)=slaps everyone in the room.=attacks nobody in particular!

and so on... I hope this can help smile

"All we are saying is give peace a chance" -- John Lennon