In address to 'mIRCs limitations', simply dont use it if you want gzip streaming support, or, since i have 'no idea what i'm talking about', you can see a thread here about creating send/recieve functionality with Sockets, and create your own wonderful gzip steam with it.

sorry m8, but he knows how to stream with sockets, his web server proves it.

In addition there is nothing wrong with the built-in $compress/$decompress() functions, if they arent working for you then obviously your doing something wrong.

about this, maybe he thinks like me, what is the use of this methods the way they are? What is they portability? What is they compress method? Raw meaning what, pure Huffman compression?

This is all about speed and portability… the 1º because dll has some considerable cost in time for intensive use and the 2º because it is good to be able to interact with other applications.

Thanks for your time reading this thread.