I found another way to do it, but the txt file has each line in this format:

nickname-word or words

The code is:

%t = $read(funnies.txt,w,* $+ $2- $+ *, %tt)
if ($readn != 0) && ($1 ison #funandgames) {
/msg $nick 3 %t
elseif ($readn != 0) && ($1 !ison #funandgames) {
/msg $nick 4 %t

The $1 ison ... is where im stuck, how can i get it to only recognise the nickname to check if that online, not if the whole line of the txt file is online? If the nick is online, it displays the result in green, otherwise in red.

i script, therefore i am smirk
theres logic in there somewhere...