Okay i got this script and the first part workes fine but the last doesnt:

on *:text:*:?:{
  if (!login isin $1-) {
    %logon = $true
    msg $nick Please enter username.
  elseif (%logon) {
    unset %logon
    if ($1- == $read(username.txt, w, $1-)) {
      %pass = $true
      msg $nick Username accepted.
      msg $nick Please enter password.
    else {
      msg $nick Wrong username.
      elseif (%pass) {
        unset %pass
        if ($1- == [color:red]$read(311287.txt, w, $1-))[/color] {
          msg $nick Password accepted.
          msg $nick Login done.
        else {
          msg $nick Wrong password, start over by using !login

when i'm suppose to enter the pass it doensnt work

And the red part i was just wonderring, can you make that like this:

$read([color:red]$1-.txt[/color], w, $1-))

$1-.txt = it search the filename that i wrote as pass.. If you understand.

if ($me != geek) { $life is $false }
else { $life is $true }