Hi all,
I don't understand what is the better mode to write code.
I put here anyone example....please tell me what is the better and the faster for writer script.
Thanks a lot.
on *:op:#:{ if ($chan != #test) if ($opnick == $me) msg # 9»8 Thanks for op 9« }

on *:op:#:{
if ($chan !=#test) if ($opnick == $me) | msg # 9»8 Thanks for op 9« }

on *:op:#:{
if ($chan != #test) {
if ($opnick == $me) {
msg # 9»8 Thanks for op 9«

on *:op:#:{
if ($chan != #test) {
if ($opnick == $me) { msg # 9»8 Thanks for op 9« }