Well, you appear to have the wrong ID for the combos. wink
You're writing the file on init, when you should be reading. laugh
One event reads from dat\amanti-op.txt and the other tries to write to amanti-op.txt
You used "dname" as the dialog name which should have been "anti-op" or "$dname" ($dname returns 'anti-op' in this case).
You also have an 'edit' event with "if $did == 16" when id16 is a button. :tongue:
on *:anti-op:init:*:{ <-should be-> on *:dialog:anti-op:init:*:{ (Same for the other dialog event)
Few other issues (bracket mismatches, /fclose command outside of event, etc)

What is the format of the hostmark you're entering? Full hostmark (e.g. nick!identd@host.com) or a wildmask (e.g. *!*@host.com / *!identd@*.host.com / etc).

on *:dialog:anti-op:sclick:*:{
  if $did == 16 {
    ; check if both combos have data
    if $did(3) &amp;&amp; $did(9) {
      ; add the data to the combo proper
      did -a $dname 3 $did(3)
      did -a $dname 9 $did(9)
      ; clear the edit field
      did -d $dname 3,9 0
  elseif $did == 17 {
    if $did(3).sel || $did(9).sel {
      did -d $dname 3,9 $v1
on *:dialog:anti-op:close:0:{
  if $did(3,1) {
    .fopen -no cc dat\amanti-op.txt
    var %i = 1
    while $did(3,%i) {
      .fwrite -n cc $+($v1,:,$did(9,%i))
      inc %i
    .fclose cc
on *:dialog:anti-op:init:0:{
  .fopen cc dat\amanti-op.txt
  if !$ferr {
    while !$feof {
      if $fread(cc) {
        tokenize 58 $v1
        did -a $dname 3 $1
        did -a $dname 9 $2
  .fclose cc

NOTE: When called from a dialog event, $did() doesn't need the name field.