For the purpose of completing this should anyone else wish to use it, the following will receive a file with mIRCs help.

The coding directly below simply acknowledges the DCC send request, this is done with ctcp, however if your using the code for a sockbot, obviously this would be checked inside on sockread instead.

ctcp ^*:*:*:{
if ($1-2 == DCC SEND) {
sockclose $+(sockrcvd.,$3)
sockopen $+(sockrcvd.,$3) $longip($4) $5
sockmark $+(sockrcvd.,$3) $6

The following basically just recieves the file and write it to $getdir with the given filename, again there is no vertification/validation.

On *:Sockread:sockrcvd.*:{
var %f = $+(",$getdir,$gettok($sockname,2-,46),")
if (!$isfile(%f)) { write -c %f }
sockread $+(&,$sockname)
bwrite %f -1 -1 $+(&,$sockname)
echo Receiving; $file(%f)) of, $sock($sockname).mark Bytes.
