i'm redoing my mIRC mp3 script and I can not seem to get it to display the mp3 size here is the "play" script
alias mp3play { /splay $did(mp3,1).seltext
set %mp3file $did(mp3,1).seltext
/amsg %bracketcolor $+ %bracket1 $+  $+ %txtcl $+ - $+ mp3 $+ - $+  $+ %bracketcolor $+ %bracket2 $+  %bracketcolor $+ %bracket1 $+  $+ %txtcl $+ - $+ ! $+ $me $nopath(%mp3file) $+ - $+  $+ %bracketcolor $+ %bracket2 $duration($calc($mp3(%mp3file).length / 1000)+) $bytes($mp3(%mp3file).size,m3).suf)

here is the result i get with that

<LS50> -mp3- -!LS50 eminem without me...mp3- 4mins 20secs

i'm trying to get the size to post, i get no errors with that current setup, but no results either. I'm confused.