this works just fine, i added a set %m.filepath, but you may already have that somewhere else. the file contents looked something like: [something] [something] [nick]
[nick] being the nick of the user who triggered the on text event...

on *:TEXT:!del*{
set -l %m.quitter3 $nick
set -l %m.diderase. $+ %m.quitter3 0
set -l %m.loopedDe1 $+ %m.quitter3 1
set -l %m.filepath testing.ini
while ([ [ $+(%,m.loopedDe1,%m.quitter3) ] ] <= $lines(%m.filepath)) {
set -l %m.loopedel.temp [ [ $+(%,m.loopedDe1,%m.quitter3) ] ]
set -l %m.trash3 $read(%m.filepath,%m.loopedel.temp)
if ($gettok(%m.trash3,3,32) == %m.quitter3) {
echo -s 4 %m.quitter3 found on line: %m.loopedel.temp
write -dl $+ %m.loopedel.temp %m.filepath
notice %m.quitter3 Erased from list > %m.trash3
set -l %m.diderase. $+ %m.quitter3 1
echo -s erased %m.quitter3 on request.
inc %m.loopedDe1 $+ %m.quitter3 1
; while ends
if ([ [ $+(%,m.diderase.,%m.quitter3) ] ] == 0) { notice %m.quitter3 Didn't find an entry to erase. }


[28/8 2:41:07a] <NightChill[afk]> !del *
[28/8 2:41:09a] -NightChillz- Erased from list > this place NightChill[afk]


NightChill[afk] found on line: 71
[28/8 2:41:08a] -> -NightChill[afk]- Erased from list > this place NightChill[afk]
erased NightChill[afk] on request.