Otay first off the raw socket data from the socket

220 comcast.net - Maillennium ESMTP/MULTIBOX rwcrmhc12 #72
HELO comcast.net
250 comcast.net
MAIL FROM: static@suprnovaradio.org
250 ok
RCPT TO: static@suprnovaradio.org
250 ok; [simple] forward to <static@suprnovaradio.org>
354 ok
X-Mailer: StaticSystems
FROM: static@suprnovaradio.org
TO: static@suprnovaradio.org
Subject: Testing
Hi this is a test
testing 1234
250 ok ; id=20040825081451014007o14se

Is the data I send to the stream.
Now heres my code I have.
alias sendmailcon { sockopen sendmail smtp.comcast.net 25 | set %mail.ok 1 }
on *:text:!mail reset:#: {
  if ($nick isin %admin.nicks) &amp;&amp; (%email.status == on) {
    unset %mail.*
    sockclose sendmail
  msg $chan Variables have been reset and mail is now deactivated!
  set %email.status off

on *:text:!mail send:#: {
  if ($nick isin %admin.nicks) &amp;&amp; (%email.status == on) {
    if (%mail.from == $null) { msg $chan You need to set a sender address with !mail sender }
    if (%mail.to == $null) { msg $chan You need to set a person to receive the message with !mail rcpt }
    if (%mail.body.1 == $null) { msg $chan It helps if you have a message to send use !mail body }
    else { sendmailcon }
on *:sockread:sendmail: {
  sockread %sendmail.msg
  if ($left(%sendmail.msg,3) == 220) {
    sockwrite -n $sockname HELO comcast.net
    sockwrite -n $sockname MAIL FROM: %mail.from

  if ($left(%sendmail.msg,3) == 250) &amp;&amp; (%mail.ok == 1) {
    sockwrite -n $sockname RCPT TO: %mail.to
    inc %mail.ok
  if ($left(%sendmail.msg,3) == 250) &amp;&amp; (%mail.ok == 2) {
    sockwrite -n $sockname DATA
    inc %mail.ok
  if ($left(%sendmail.msg,3) == 354) {
    sockwrite -n $sockname X-Mailer: StaticSystems
    sockwrite -n $sockname FROM: %mail.from
    sockwrite -n $sockname TO: %mail.to
    sockwrite -n $sockname Subject: %mail.subject
    var %x = 1
    var %y = $var(%mail.body.*,0)
    if (%x &lt;= %y) {
      sockwrite -n $sockname $eval($var(%mail.body.*,%x),2)
      inc %x
      goto begin
    sockwrite -n $sockname .
  if ($left(%sendmail.msg,3) == 250) &amp;&amp; (%mail.ok == 3) {
    sockwrite -n $sockname QUIT
    sockclose $sockname
    msg #static Mail Sent
    unset %mail.ok
    unset %sendmail.msg
on *:text:!mail prepare:#: {
  if ($nick isin %admin.nicks) &amp;&amp; (%email.status == off) {
    msg $chan Email is ready to be setup
    set %email.status on
  elseif ($nick isin %admin.nicks) &amp;&amp; (%email.status == on) {
    msg $chan Email is already in progress. If this is an error please !mail reset
on *:text:!mail sender *:#: {
  if ($nick isin %admin.nicks) &amp;&amp; (%email.status == on) {
    set %mail.from $3 | msg $chan From: $3
on *:text:!mail rcpt *:#: {
  if ($nick isin %admin.nicks) &amp;&amp; (%email.status == on) {
    set %mail.to $3 | msg $chan To: $3
on *:text:!mail subject *:#: {
  if ($nick isin %admin.nicks) &amp;&amp; (%email.status == on) {
    set %mail.subject $3- | msg $chan Subject: $3-
on *:text:!mail body *:#: {
  if ($nick isin %admin.nicks) &amp;&amp; (%email.status == on) {
    set %mail.body. $+ $calc($var(%mail.body.*,0) + 1) $3- 
    msg $chan Body Line ( $+ $var(%mail.body.*,0) $+ ) $3-
on *:text:!mail verify:#: {
  if ($nick isin %admin.nicks) &amp;&amp; (%email.status == on) {
    msg $chan From: %mail.from
    msg $chan To: %mail.to
    msg $chan Subject: %mail.subject
    var %x = 1
    var %y = $var(%mail.body.*,0)
    if (%x &lt;= %y) {
      msg $chan $eval($var(%mail.body.*,%x),2)
      inc %x
      goto begin

It just doesnt work no clue why. I got it to work once but now plbbs any clues?