ok, brief overview. i am trying to change this lil script to a op only tool. it logs the ip's of users and keeps keeps an eye on'em if(when) they change nicks.. ok i have it so the commands are locked to all but ops, but however there is a echp command that displays a msg to me stating that users ip loged with one or more additional nicks(and lists them all) when they join a room. but it does it for all levels, not just ops. is there a way to have this op specific also?
here's the script.
  hmake trackusers 10
  if ($isfile(trackusers.dat)) {
    hload trackusers trackusers.dat
on *:JOIN:#: {
  if ($hget(trackusers,$address($nick,3))) {
    var %n = $ifmatch
    if ($istok(%n,$nick,32)) { var %d = $deltok(%n,$findtok(%n,$nick,1,32),32) }
    else { var %d = %n }
    if (!%d) { return }
     echo $colour(info) -ti2 $chan * $nick has also used the nickname $+ $iif($numtok(%d,32) > 1,s:,:) %d 
    if (!$istok(%n,$nick,32)) {
      hadd trackusers $address($nick,3) %n $nick
  else {
    hadd trackusers $address($nick,3) $nick
on *:NICK: {
  if ($hget(trackusers,$address($newnick,3))) {
    var %n = $ifmatch
    if (!$istok(%n,$newnick,32)) {
      hadd trackusers $address($newnick,3) %n $newnick
  else {
    hadd trackusers $address($nick,3) $newnick
menu nicklist {
    $iif($me isop $chan,Nick Tracker)
    .Track Users
    ..View Other Nicknames 
    if (!$address($$1,3)) { echo $colour(info) -ti2 # * IAL not updated for $$1 $+ , performing userhost lookup | userhost $$1 | return }
    if ($hget(trackusers,$address($$1,3))) {
      var %n = $ifmatch
      if ($istok(%n,$$1,32)) { var %d = $deltok(%n,$findtok(%n,$$1,1,32),32) }
      else { var %d = %n }
      if (!%d) { goto notknown }
      echo $colour(info) -ti2 # * $$1 has also used the nickname $+ $iif($numtok(%d,32) > 1,s:,:) %d
    else {
      echo $colour(info) -ti2 # * $$1 has not been known by any other nickname
  .Reset:hdel trackusers $address($$1,3)
ON *:EXIT: {
  if ($hget(trackusers)) { hsave -o trackusers trackusers.dat }

any help is appreciated.
thanks in advance