I have a script that reads from a (big) hash table and the notice's the chatter...

The hash tableis big so it wil flood the user... frown
How to time the notice's
  [color:green] alias flitsers {
  %rss.nummer = 2
  if $hget(rssfeed,<description> $+ %rss.nummer) {
    timer 1 2 notice %rss.nick $hget(rssfeed,<description> $+ %rss.nummer) 
    inc %rss.nummer
    goto nextflits  
  unset %rss.* 

Why does the timer not work properly???

p.s. i did a search on this forum on flood but there was nothing i think i could use....

Last edited by MRic3; 16/08/04 08:09 PM.