im creating a custom away script (don't like all the others i have seen.. not much for multi-server suport) and im having trouble creating the poup menu.
here is what i have so far:
menu channel {
  Settings $readini(C:\mirc\text\ini\main.ini,n,$network,back_nick)
  .NS-Ident:/ns identify $readini(C:\mirc\text\ini\main.ini,n,$network,ns_pass)

/ascript is the command for the core part of the script (that works, arleady checked it) bur what i want to do is on the 'main' level of the menu, have the nick displayed for that server by reading it out of the appropriate section of the ini file instead of having to code up a seperate section for each server.

the 'back_nick' section of the ini contains the standard nickname.
is there maybe some command switch im missing that makes the 'menu' processe the identifiers, or is there something im missing yet?
