To Insert values into a combo box, you use /did -a [color:red]dialogname idnumber content[/color].

For Example, This is our dialog (it all goes in the remotes).

dialog test {
title "mIRC"
size -1 -1 110 100
option dbu
combo 1,1 1 100 50, drop

And this makes the combo box fill when the dialog opens.

On *:Dialog:test:init:*:{
did -a test 1 This is A
did -a test 1 This is B
did -a test 1 This is C
did -a test 1 This is D
did -a test 1 This is E

Syntax to run the dialog, /dialog -m test test

Also note if you dont want a 'drop' down type of combo box, remove the , drop from above.

And to get the values OUT of the dialog combo box.

//echo -> $did(test,1,2)

Where, 'test' is the dialog name '1' is the combo box id, and '2' is the line you want to return.

Edit; However, if you want to use /didtok, You are very welcome to do so..

The sytax: /didtok dialogname idnumber delimiter text

In the above, its straight forward except maybe delimiter which is the ascii number of the COMMON character that you want to seperate the items in your dialog for example: A,B,C are seperated by a comma, which is ascii number, 44.

An Example:

dialog test {
title "mIRC"
size -1 -1 110 100
option dbu
combo 1,1 1 100 50, drop

And this makes the combo box fill when the dialog opens.

On *:Dialog:test:init:*:{
didtok test 1 44 This is A
didtok test 1 44 This is B
didtok test 1 44 This is C
didtok test 1 44 This is D
didtok test 1 44 This is E

Then type, //echo -> $didtok(test,1,44) it will output all your data seperated by the commas, note 'test' is the dialog name '1' is the id of the combo and 44 the delimiter.

Hope this helps.
