
I don't know a thing about ut4 and if they can actually double click your ip in this hyperlink construct, but here goes:

on *:TEXT:!utip:#: msg # Click here ut2004:// $+ $ip

The $+ pastes the // with the $ip identifier.

If you only want to enable this when you are playing, you could add a switch and a setting to enable/disable it like:

menu channel {
$iif($group(#utip == on,Disable,Enable) UTIP Script:{
$iif($group(#utip) == on,disable,enable) #utip

#utip on
on *:TEXT:!utip:#: msg # Click here ut2004:// $+ $ip
#utip end

Btw you could specify the #channels you want this script to work in. Right now it will react in any channel, since it reacts to #

