sorry for my english

1st] add command /pause -m [freq] <length>
make a pause in current script of <length> second and after resume the script.
if [freq] is insered, it makes one pause of <length> seconds, all [freq] times (to don't freez)
if -m is specified, the length is in millisecond

2nd] add command /perform { }
this command haven't lot of use, but in some situations, eg:
;example code
var %1 = $(while (%1 &lt; 10) {)
var %2 = $(inc %1)
var %3 = $(did -a dialog 5 $gettok(%2,%1,32))
var %4 = $chr(125)
perform {
  echo Perform start
  echo LOOP !
  echo end

don't execute commande line-to-line, but evaluate variables before lunch the perform command !

3rd] modify /timer command
/timer[N/name] -ceomhipr [time] <N> <length> <perform cmmand>
/timertest -o 0 0 {
  clear @window
  drawdot -nr @window $rgb(%1,%2,%3) 5 10 10
  drawdot -nr @window $rgb(%3,%2,%1) 4 11 11
  drawdot @window

where vars %1, %2 and %3 was set before set /timer, and be evaluate now (at the declaration of the /timer , it's not variable vars)

i hope you have understand that i want to explain, if you have ideas, cmts...