The code for such a thing would be:

On *:Text:*[color:red]word/phrase
commands go here

Whereby, commands go here can be any number of things, for example:

notice $nick [color:red]your message [/color] - To notice the person who said the 'phrase/word'.

msg $nick [color:red]your message [/color] - To private message the person who said the 'phrase/word'.

msg $chan [color:red]your message [/color] - To notice the channel the person who said the 'phrase/word'.

Note that the *'s in the On Text, are called "wildcards" and have the following response:

phrase/word* - Checks if phrase/word is at the start of the sentence.

*phrase/word - Checks if phrase/word is at the end of the sentence.

*phrase/word* - Checks if phrase/word is anywhere in the sentence.



Edit; since you modified your posting, to reply to an action you simply change the code to:

On *:Action:*[color:red]word/phrase
commands go here

to perform an action from a remote, you do.

/describe $chan [color:red]your message [/color] - to send a message to a channel.

/describe $nick [color:red]your message [/color] - to send a message the user in a private message.

Note, that in these events, $nick refers to the nickname who triggered the event, $chan refers to the channel that it was triggered in.

You can also change #channel to just # to trigger in all channels, or change #channel to ? which will only trigger in private messages, or * to trigger anywhere.
