The /channel dialog has two lists that are often disabled. The 'Excepts' list is one, and the one you're talking about which is 'Invites'.

These lists are only active on networks that support the +e and +I channel modes, explained below.

+e - set in the same way as +b on a mask. When a mask is set +e it is exempt from bans set on the channel. For example if I was using AOL and the channel was set +b *!*@* I wouldn't be able to enter. However, if they then set +e Mentality!*@* then I would be able to enter with the nickname Mentality (and no other nickname).

+I - this is also set in the same way as +e/+b on a mask. When this is set the masks that +I affect will not be blocked by the +i (invite only) mode.

If these lists are greyed out (disabled) in the /channel dialog then it means the network you use does not support the +e/+I modes (not many networks do). You can't use them. Speak to the network administration if you would like to see those modes introducted on to the network you use, there are various pros and cons for both of them and they may decide not to have them for certain reasons.

Hope this helps smile

