Basically, this script will redirect the messages to the active window:
  • On *:filesent:*: echo -etgai DCC Send of $nopath($filename) to $nick complete ( $+ $duration($send(-1).secs,3) $+ ) | halt
    On *:sendfail:*: echo -etgai DCC Send of $nopath($filename) to $nick incomplete ( $+ $duration($send(-1).secs,3) $+ ) | halt
    On *:filercvd:*: echo -etgai DCC get of $nopath($filename) from $nick complete ( $+ $duration($get(-1).secs,3) $+ ) | haltdef
    On *:getfail:*: echo -etgai DCC get of $nopath($filename) from $nick incomplete ( $+ $duration($get(-1).secs,3) $+ ) | halt
(The code above goes to the Script Editor - Alt+R)

If you want to add more details to the message, check the help file under /help /echo and /help $send or post a reply.