hi on my input im having trouble getting it alinged.

most of it is but u can just tell its ever so slightly off. it doesnt even look like a space. but a fraction.

i didnt write this timestamp code so unsure how to change it.

the alias is

alias myts {
var %a = $+(%,myts,$cid,:,$window($1).wid)
if $timestamp != $(%a,2) {
set $(%a) $ifmatch
return $ifmatch $chr(32)
return $str($+($chr(32),$chr(2),$chr(2)),$calc($len($timestamp) - 4))

the echo is

echo $chan $myts(#) 14 $nick 12: 14 $1-

but when it echos with time stamp its the smallest tiny bit in front. u can hardly notice it but its v-annoying.
