on 1:OPEN:?:!tag*: {
  msg $2 $nick has tagged you!
  msg $2 Type !tag <nickname> to tag somebody else!
  msg $nick The tag to $2 has been sent.
  write taglog.txt $date(mm/dd/yy) $asctime(hh:nn:ss) $+ : $nick has tagged $2 $+ .

How can I have it where the person that got tagged can't tag the person that sent them the tag, until that parts over with. For example:
[Query TagBot]
<John> !tag Steve
<TagBot> The tag to Steve has been sent!
[Query TagBot] (Steve is querying the bot now)
<Steve> !tag John
<TagBot> Sorry, he just tagged you, if someone other than John tags you, then you can tag him.