I have recently found a bug, at first i thought it was my script, so its been rewrited many times.
$!query does not work.... needs to e.g be used in a /scid /scon command so it does not perform it in the connection 1.

* /window: invalid parameters
i have remove the ! in $query so script can be used in cid 1
on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:*:{
 if (#* iswm $checkchan) { scon -s $calc($gettok($gettok($did($dname, $did, 1), 3-, 32), 2, 32) - 1) window -ao $!chan($calc($clickchan - 1)) } 
  if ($isquery != $null) { scon -s $calc($gettok($gettok($did($dname, $did, 1), 3-, 32), 2, 32) - 1) window -ao $query($calc($gettok($gettok($did($dname, $did, 1), 3-, 32), 4, 32) - 1)) }
alias isquery {
  return $gettok($gettok($did($dname, $did, 1), 3-, 32), 4, 32)
alias checkchan {
  scon -s $calc($gettok($gettok($did($dname, $did, 1), 3-, 32), 2, 32) - 1) return $!chan($calc($clickchan - 1))
alias clickchan {
  return $gettok($gettok($did($dname, $did, 1), 3-, 32), 3, 32)
alias clickquery {
  scon -s $calc($gettok($gettok($did($dname, $did, 1), 3-, 32), 2, 32) - 1) return $gettok($gettok($did($dname, $did, 1), 3-, 32), 3, 32)

it will be nice to get this fixed in future releases... untill then, is there anyone that has an idea for an workaround ?

Last edited by djmadness; 02/07/04 10:50 PM.

TotalIRC the place to be

