okay, I am using this script, which does work:
;on *:NICK:  {
if (badword isin $newnick) {
  var %i = 0
  while (%i < $comchan($newnick,0)) { 
    ;This while loop goes through every channel both you and the nick are on
    inc %i 
    if ($me isop $comchan($newnick,%i)) {
      ;You can only kick if you are an op =)
      ban -u10 $comchan($newnick,%i) $newnick 11
      kick $comchan($newnick,%i) $newnick I didn't miss this part.

My problem is, if this script is left on, all are kicked, including ops. No matter what I put after "on *:NICK: " and the first bracket, it makes the script stop working. So this thing is literally 'all or nothing' for me. I am trying to stop it from kicking ops. I have tried isop return, !isop , with #, $chan, $comchan, etc etc. No variation of what normally works for me, will work here. Can anyone see what I need to stop kicking an op, who puts the badword in their nick?

Also, I have noticed that if ($nick isop #) etc, seems to cover all of ops, hops, and voice. If there a way to differentiate between them all singly? In other words, no action on ops, or hops, but it proceeds on voiced and regular users. Any help with these 2 problems would be greatly appreciated.
