Sorry for my english but I am a french user.

personal network :
personal computer : mirc under win2000 ( IP )
proxy/firewall : ipfw and natd for firewall and proxy under freebsd ( IP on local network et IP 81.**.**.** on internet )

extract of fwrules :
#Autorise IRC 
$fwcmd add 2060 allow all from any to $oip 113 via $oif 
$fwcmd add 2061 allow all from $inet/24 to any 113 
$fwcmd add 2062 allow all from any to $oip 6660-6669 via $iif 
$fwcmd add 2063 allow all from $inet/24 to any 6660-6669 via $iif 
$fwcmd add 2064 allow all from any to $oip 1024-1124 via $iif 
$fwcmd add 2065 allow all from $inet/24 to any 1024-4096 via $iif 
$fwcmd add 2066 allow all from any to $oip 59 
$fwcmd add 2067 allow all from $inet/24 to any 59  

extract of natd.conf
[/code]# irc
redirect_port tcp 59
redirect_port tcp 113
redirect_port tcp 1024-1124
redirect_port tcp 6660-6669 [/code]

mirc 6.15 options:
"IP adress":
"Lookup methods" : "Normal"
"On connect, always get" : "Localhost" and "IP Adress" not check
Firewall support : "None"
"Port range for connections" : "DCC" and "Other" check "First"=1024 "Last"=1124 "Use random ports" check
"Bind sockets to IP address" : not check (je sais pas à quoi ca sert)
"Enable DCC server" : check
"Listen on Port" : 59
"Listen for" : "Send", "chat" and "Fserve" check

XDCC server create with sysreset 2.53

When my personal computer with mirc is directly conect on internet, all file traansfert are whithout error. ("On connect, always get" is all check)
If my personalcomputer is on my local network , all XDCC send are fail and I can't resume any file when I download on any XDCC or fserver.
When xdcc send fail, the download status display are :
"Accepting send / Connection failed" on the client mirc (indicate imediatly)
"Sending request / Awaiting reply / Transfer timed out" on my xdcc server (after a long moment)

Thank for your ideas for resolve my problem. smile