This is partially a feature request and partially a complaint/bug report. I'm filing it under bug report, but if it's misfiled feel free to move it.

In mIRC dialogs, edit boxes can be multi-lined, allowing you to access them with $did(<name>, <id>, <line>). However, this is highly limiting at times.

When the multi-line text contain a word or words which must be wrapped, mIRC adds a space in to compensate. However, this makes the data impossible to be put back together properly.

$did(<name>, <did>, 1) $+ $did(<name>, <did>, 2) could yield either "wordword" or "word word" depending on how mIRC wraps it. Without the $+, you may end up with "word word" when it was originally "wordword". Both not good situations.

Windows can copy and paste the editbox fine without the random-space issue. This is one of the only good parts, as I can still deal with the data on some levels.

What I'm requesting is a method to get the raw text from the editbox's multiple lines, without mIRC's space-wrapping. It seems possible, and it'd be wholly helpful.

If it's possible as it is now, please do share and highlight my ignorance.