I made this for you :


;Notification Alert Window Alias 1.0b
;by Soul_Eater (c)2003
;Aim and Yahoo! sn: SoulEata
;This is a beta release, tips, comments, etc are appreciated.
;These were inspired by the notification boxes MSN and AIM instant messaging
;programs use, alias works as follows:
;//notification <rgb1> <rgb2> <fontname> <fontsize> <text> <delay>
;rgb1 = rgb bg color
;rgb2 = rgb txt color
;fontname = text fontname
;fontsize = text fontsize
;text = notification text
;delay = time to remain on screen

alias notification {
  window -hapzk0 +de @noti 815 700 140 110
  drawfill -r @noti $1 500 100 0 0
  drawtext -r @noti $2 $3 $4 40 40 $5
  drawtext -r @noti $2 $3 $4 25 60 is on $network
  drawsave @noti tmp1.bmp
  window -c @noti
  var %x 110
  var %y 10
  while (%y <= %x) {
    window -haodpzk0 +Lde @noti 815 650 140 %y
    drawfill -r @noti $1 500 100 0 0
    inc %y 25
  drawpic @noti 1 1 tmp1.bmp
  .remove tmp1.bmp
  .timerb 1 $6 window -c @noti

alias unotification {
  window -hapzk0 +de @noti 815 700 140 110
  drawfill -r @noti $1 500 100 0 0
  drawtext -r @noti $2 $3 $4 40 40 $5
  drawtext -r @noti $2 $3 $4 25 60 has left $network
  drawsave @noti tmp1.bmp
  window -c @noti
  var %x 110
  var %y 10
  while (%y <= %x) {
    window -haodpzk0 +Lde @noti 815 650 140 %y
    drawfill -r @noti $1 500 100 0 0
    inc %y 25
  drawpic @noti 1 1 tmp1.bmp
  .remove tmp1.bmp
  .timerb 1 $6 window -c @noti

on *:notify: { //notification $rgb(255,255,255) $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 12 $nick 5 }
on *:unotify: { //unotification $rgb(255,255,255) $rgb(255,0,0) Tahoma 12 $nick 5 }

I hope you like it.

Grtzz stimpy

To chat, or not to chat.
That's the question