I just decided to move my autojoin over to mIRC 6.15
and noticed, when i add a network in 1 part of the dialog, and the channels i was to join next to it, for that network, click ok, when i open the dialog again, the network is there, but if i highlight it, the channels do not show in the other side, now it works ok on 6.03
and 6.12 but 6.15 it doesn't.
this is the problem bit, has something changed?
on *:dialog:autojoin:sclick:13:{
  if ($did(13).state) { set %j.connect On | set %j.autochk did -c autojoin 13 }
  else { set %j.connect Off | unset %j.autochk }

on *:dialog:autojoin:init:0: {
  didtok $dname 1 44 %j.networks