Weird problem here. After creating and testing a script on
one server, i suddenly stumble upon a weird flaw(?) in my script when joining the 2nd server.

After assigning the proper level to a user, he/she is no longer
able to access the events.
on 10:text:-command:#channel: { ...script... }
After changing the "on 10", to "on 1", the script works.
Though this is not what i meant to do.
The user list CLEARLY says...
But when i do a //echo Userlevel $level(*!
it returns Userlevel 1
[edit] $ulevel does return 10, but the scripts for level 10 still don't work.

Before it did at least return the right level on ONE of the servers.
Am i missing something, or can't the userlist works with a multiserver setup?

Kind Regards Tezorian.

ps. I am known for my incredible way of making things as unclear as possible, i hope i've made an exception.

Last edited by Tezorian; 10/06/04 05:17 PM.