Ok, it had appeard you only wanted to k/b regular users.

$nick(%chan,%a,r) is only going to act on "regular" users, meaning not voiced or opped. If you want it to include everybody just make that identifier $nick(%chan,%a)

Also, again make sure that the users are added to the userlist and that you are checking for the same type of hostmask here --> $address($nick(%chan,%a),2)

The alias looks fine. If it doesn't work after changing that identifier, place an echo -a statement after every line that should return something (one line at a time to avoid confusion). That will make the alias echo back to you the info it is getting which will help you see where it it breaking.

For instance, under this line.... var %nick = $address($nick(%chan,%a),2)
put this line.... echo -a %nick
That would echo back the the var %nick for every nick it checks. If it didn't echo anything then you would know the var wasn't being set correctly. (Just an example) It's easier to fix when you know where it is breaking.

Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.