alias hopall {
  var %i = $chan(0), %chans, %keys
  while (%i) {
    if (k isin $chan(%i).mode) { var %keys = $addtok(%keys,$chan(%i).key,44) }
    var %chans = $addtok(%chans,$chan(%i),44)
    dec %i
  .timerHOPALL 1 4 join -n %chans %keys
This one works, however, i found out (by testing over and over this alias) that in some networks you cannot see or retrieve the channel key if you are not an @Op (or if you haven't been opped in the channel).

Yes, i know it was a suggestion, but until (and IF) it gets implamented by Khaled, you can use those as a workaround.

Zyzzy smile

"All we are saying is give peace a chance" -- John Lennon