this string is writen in my script:
on *:join:*:if ($nick = $me) && (%autohi == on) {
/msg $chan $read txt/hello.txt }

- this string writes on join #(channel) : "Hi!"(as I said this), but is it possible to change this string in the way it worked like this:
on joining as an "action"
for example , like this :
*naval saying Hello to all",
as it would be typed as /me ...,
I have tryed many times to change it :
on *:join:*:if ($nick = $me) && (%autohi == on) { /me $chan $read txt/hello.txt }

on *:join:*:if ($nick = $me) && (%autohi == on) { /me $read txt/hello.txt }

on *:join:*:if ($nick = $me) && (%autohi == on) { /msg $chan /me $read txt/hello.txt }
.....................but they all are not working... confused

so, help me, to change it... shocked