its cool man.

anyways. i don't even know if thats really a RULE. because she states "WE" like you did. so perhaps it was on the same basis you just explained. just merely a reitteration?

also noted in your link to her thread. was a statement saying that not most networks accept filetrading of that sort. but as Bunar stated "efnet" IS a network that accepts it.

but be it as it may.

to the dude up top. just be carefule when you download. you can get a lot of useless crap that will screw your computer up. if your going to be doing the whole file sharing bit. at least be smart about it and save us some trouble by double scanning your files for viruses. we dont need anymore "drones" or viruses being passed along on IRC smile

-Nick (Darko)
-#Chatzone, #helpdesk