You're quite welcome,

note that there are always multiple ways of achieving something.

Here's another one :
on *:TEXT:Hi:%chans:{
  goto $rand(1,3)
  :1 | msg # Hi there $nick | return
  :2 | msg # Hi             | return
  :3 | msg # Whats up $nick | return

or perhaps:
on *:TEXT:Hi:%chans:{
  var %a = $rand(1,3)
  if (%a == 1) msg # Hi there $nick 
  elseif (%a == 2) msg # Hi 
  elseif (%a == 3) msg # Whats up $nick 

And as Kelder suggested, that worx great as well:

 on *:TEXT:Hi:%chans: msg # $read(hi.txt) 

Note that I put a variable now as the possible channels. That means that in your variable section (alt+r -variables) you will have to put a variable %chans and use as values the channels you want the script to trigger in, like #chan1,#chan2,#chan3

Just go with what suits you best,


Last edited by FiberOPtics; 23/05/04 10:09 AM.
