Zyzzy I tested your fix for you and it wouldent work so I took out the ^ at the input event and it works fine. The only problem is the privet message part. That dose not work. and just a though to the person that started this. Why not just get MTS and start making themes its alot easyer.

 on  ^*:Text:*:#:{ echo $chan 14[15 $+ $time(HH:nn) $+ 14] 14[15 $+ $nick $+ 14]: $1- $+  | haltdef }
on  ^*:Text:*:?:{ echo $nick 14[15 $+ $time(HH:nn) $+ 14] 14[15 $+ $nick $+ 14]: $1- $+  | haltdef }
on  ^*:Action:*:#:{ echo $chan 14[15 $+ $time(HH:nn) $+ 14] 14[15 $+ $nick $1- $+ 14] | haltdef }
on  ^*:Action:*:?:{ echo $nick 14[15 $+ $time(HH:nn) $+ 14] 14[15 $+ $nick $1- $+ 14] | haltdef }
 [color:red] on  *:Input:*:{ echo $chan 14[15 $+ $time(HH:nn) $+ 14] 14[15 $+ $nick $+ 14]: $1- $+  | privmsg $chan $1- | haltdef }[/color] 

if (Windows isin %txt.1) { /kick # $nick Windows is a badword tisk tisk tisk. }